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Bug in text_watermark function (image manipulation class) 1.6.1

I experienced troubles setting a text watermark with proper padding, so I took a dive into the `image manipulation class` code.

I found a few bugs and inefficiencies:

conditional statement at line 1010:
if ($this->wm_vrt_alignment == 'B')
while property is set at line 1042:
$this->wm_vrt_alignment = strtoupper(substr($this->wm_vrt_alignment, 0, 1));

Maybe the padding property is redundant, you can do the same with wm_vrt_offset and wm_hor_offset. On the other hand it's nice to set it with one property, although right alignment is difficult, because text width isn't calculated with much accuracy for TTF fonts.

Nonetheless I have rewritten the code for the function to solve the bugs.
- 15 lines less code;
- a few less conditional statements.
It's shorter and faster!

function text_watermark()
        if ( ! ($src_img = $this->image_create_gd()))
            return FALSE;
        if ($this->wm_use_truetype == TRUE AND ! file_exists($this->wm_font_path))
            return FALSE;
        //  Fetch source image properties        
        // Set RGB values for text and shadow        
        $this->wm_font_color    = str_replace('#', '', $this->wm_font_color);
        $this->wm_shadow_color    = str_replace('#', '', $this->wm_shadow_color);
        $R1 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_font_color, 0, 2));
        $G1 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_font_color, 2, 2));
        $B1 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_font_color, 4, 2));
        $R2 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_shadow_color, 0, 2));
        $G2 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_shadow_color, 2, 2));
        $B2 = hexdec(substr($this->wm_shadow_color, 4, 2));
        $txt_color    = imagecolorclosest($src_img, $R1, $G1, $B1);
        $drp_color    = imagecolorclosest($src_img, $R2, $G2, $B2);

        // Set font width and height
        // These are calculated differently depending on
        // whether we are using the true type font or not
        if ($this->wm_use_truetype == TRUE)
            if ($this->wm_font_size == '')
                $this->wm_font_size = '17';
            $fontwidth  = $this->wm_font_size-($this->wm_font_size/4);
            $fontheight = $this->wm_font_size;
            $fontwidth  = imagefontwidth($this->wm_font_size);
            $fontheight = imagefontheight($this->wm_font_size);

        $this->wm_vrt_alignment = strtoupper(substr($this->wm_vrt_alignment, 0, 1));
        $this->wm_hor_alignment = strtoupper(substr($this->wm_hor_alignment, 0, 1));

        // clear dropshadow if no use dropshadow
        if ($this->wm_use_drop_shadow == FALSE)
            $this->wm_shadow_distance = 0;

        // Set verticle alignment
          switch ($this->wm_vrt_alignment)
            case     "T" :
             $y_axis =  $this->wm_padding + $this->wm_vrt_offset + $fontheight;
            case "M":  
             $y_axis = floor($this->orig_height/2)+($fontheight/2);
            case "B":
             $y_axis = $this->orig_height - $this->wm_vrt_offset - $this->wm_padding - $this->wm_shadow_distance;

        // Set horizontal alignment
        switch ($this->wm_hor_alignment)
            case "L":
                            $x_axis = $this->wm_padding + $this->wm_hor_offset;
            case "R":
                         $x_axis = $this->orig_width - ($fontwidth*strlen($this->wm_text))- $this->wm_shadow_distance - $this->wm_padding - $this->wm_hor_offset;
            case "C":
                            $x_axis = floor(($this->orig_width  -$fontwidth*strlen($this->wm_text))/2);
        // set dropshadow
        $x_shad = $x_axis + $this->wm_shadow_distance;
        $y_shad = $y_axis + $this->wm_shadow_distance;
        //  Add the text to the source image
        if ($this->wm_use_truetype)
            if ($this->wm_use_drop_shadow)
                imagettftext($src_img, $this->wm_font_size, 0, $x_shad, $y_shad, $drp_color, $this->wm_font_path, $this->wm_text);
                imagettftext($src_img, $this->wm_font_size, 0, $x_axis, $y_axis, $txt_color, $this->wm_font_path, $this->wm_text);
            if ($this->wm_use_drop_shadow)
                imagestring($src_img, $this->wm_font_size, $x_shad, $y_shad, $this->wm_text, $drp_color);
                imagestring($src_img, $this->wm_font_size, $x_axis, $y_axis, $this->wm_text, $txt_color);
        //  Output the final image
        if ($this->dynamic_output == TRUE)
        return TRUE;

Can someone confirm this (padding) bug?

It's preferable to have comfirmation before submitting to the bugtracker, which hasn't be done yet.


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