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Which forum software is the LEAST painful to integrate into your CI app?

... assuming you have your own user auth system...

PhpBB? MyBB? vBulletin?

I found a great library for vBulletin that made it pretty painless to integrate, using the vbulletin user system. Of course I had to modify the library to suit my needs, but the changes were small and the library provided a great starting point. I found it by searching for vBulletin on the board.

I believe the library is called vBUser

There were some cookie/session issues I had to deal with when first using the library but I got those sorted. Theres still one bug that I need to work out, the session only lasts as long as the CI session. So there might still be cookie generation errors that need to be worked on.***

Other than that, i'm writing my own libraries to get updated threads/new posts onto my CI site which is still in development.

One issue I have with vBulletin is that you cannot include the forums/global.php to get more access to vbulletin's core, because CI removes all GET variables, this makes it impossible for vBulletin to build its core.

This is an issue for me because I need vBSEO links parser, which the system is integrated into vBulletin Core, so basically I have a lot of reverse engineering to do.


***This post inspired me to work on the vBUser library to suit my own needs and I was able to make the 'cookie_user' part of vBulletin's user system work correctly. Go me.

I've posted here about integrating CI with Simple Machines Forum.

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