Dropbox library |
I , i try to use a dropbox class ( used in another project without framework) with ci 4 :
https://github.com/kunalvarma05/dropbox-php-sdk With composer i install on my localhost and move into my project under App\Libraries\Dropbox i Have change all namespace from f.e. : Code: namespace Kunnu\Dropbox\DropboxFile to : Code: namespace App\Libraries\Dropbox\Kunnu\Dropbox\DropboxFile; in my controller : Code: use App\Libraries\Dropbox\Kunnu\Dropbox\DropboxApp; But i have this error : Class 'App\Controllers\App\Libraries\Dropbox\DropboxApp' not found
i solved in part , it seem that cannot use Kunnu\Dropbox but only the path for example (i create a folder Dropbox and insert source inside)
the code that work is: namespace App\Libraries\Dropbox; instead of App\Libraries\Dropbox\Kunnu\Dropbox; Its a big work because there are several folder out of this for example Guzzlehttp , Psr7 ecc now the problem is that one class use a function instead a class , how can i import every function of this script ? |
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