I am using myth-with for author in CI4.
I want to implement a register with phone number option too but I am not sure how you do that correctly without editing myth-with system files.
My current implementation is creating a different function, attemptRegisterWithPhone, but I have been encountering some issues, mainly the fact that email is the primary key for myth-auth, meaning I had to create a new key 'unique_Id' to be the new primary key.Thus, I also had to edit the attemptRegister function....
All in all, it has been really difficult. I have already greatly altered many myth-with files to unsuccesfully implement it, which seems like a bad idea for obvious reasons.
I already have the class to send the verification code and to verify the code working perfectly. My only problems is actually registering a new user with their phone number and without any email (and preferably without altering myth-auth original system files too much).How do I go about this?