Notice: Undefined property: Config \ App :: $ cookieSameSite |
Why appears this notice? Notice: Undefined property: Config\App::$cookieSameSite in C:\xampp\r_crm\vendor\codeigniter4\codeigniter4\system\HTTP\Response.php on line 168 Tested on my local machine. Xampp, Spark, it is in both. I was fix it by adding this line to App.php public $cookieSameSite = ''; But I don't understand what's happening at all. Help me, please. PS. Solution from doesn't work. PSS. I found this site with same notice -
I understood a little!
When I do "composer update" App folder doesn't update and file .env too. I took new .env and app\Config\App.php, and it's work.
I am running the CodeIgniter 4 develop version and it runs fine that key should be.
PHP Code: public $cookieSameSite = 'Lax'; If your on an older version of CodeIgniter 4 that could be why your getting that error. What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
It must be a bug.
I sent PR:
This notice is a bug, but it is better you add new config items to your Config/App.php. |
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