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How To Store Wool Yarn And Other Fabric

(This post was last modified: 09-05-2021, 09:49 PM by tylerjames.)

How To Store Wool Yarn And Other Fabric
Other than the sewing, the big problem through which every sewer has to go through is to think about how to store the wool yarn and other fabrics in your sewing room? If you have the best sewing machine for beginners making clothes then it must be too easy for you to sew the clothes but when you are storing the fabric then you have to take care of the certain types of fabrics.
For more information about the sewing machine and other related queries you can visit[Image: d7PQkfv.gif]  https://craftsselection.com/best-sewing-...beginners/ and can have great help. Today in this blog I am telling you about how you can store the wool yarn and other fabrics. It will help you in saving your fabric from any kind of damage.
Ziplock Bags:
The first method is to store the yarn and that is zip lock bags. Most of the sewers who have gone through this problem switch to the ziplock bags as they protect the yarn from getting damaged due to the heat or dust in the room. If you have a ball yarn then I recommend to store it in a bin with a lid to prevent it from dust.
[Image: AzOJedT.jpg]
Store yarn in ziplock bags
If the wool yarn is catching the dust on the daily basis then it will soon be destroyed and you won’t be able to create anything out of it. I recommend to use the ziplock bags and store the yarn in it. Every time you are going to empty the bag, you will get the dry yarn balls. This will help you in storing the fabric for the longest time.
Another method to keep the insect away from the fabric is the lavender. If you have no idea what I am talking about then let me tell you, lavender has properties to prevent the fabric away from the insects. This is one of the most used remedies these days as people are quite worried about the clothes and especially those who are sewing it in the home but moths or other insects are eating them.
The first thing you should follow is to keep the dresses packed in the fabric bags. Keep lavender in the fabric bag to keep it safe. You can also place a few lavenders in the cupboard to keep your clothes and wool yarn safe from the insects. This is one of the effective remedies you can follow to store the garments for the longest time.
Anti-Moth Spray:
It’s extremely important to keep your sewing room clean all the time if you are storing the fabric in the same room. If you are a beginner then along with the sewing it’s essential to keep the room clean to save your things from the damage and dust. I was unaware of this fact that a single moth can damage the dress or anything you are sewing.
The best thing you can do is to use the anti-moth spray. The anti-moth spray will keep your room clean as well as the regular use of this spray will help you in saving and using the garments for the longest time.
White Vinegar:
White vinegar is one of the most amazing things you can try to save your fabric for a long time from any natural damage or insect damage. Now you can sew anything on the best inexpensive sewing machine for beginners [Image: 2Kh3_rU2-IkuUULbp9wNVlXNNJnf2wNWvV5kVXeM...suX-2si_cp] without worrying about the storage technique. White vinegar will play a great role in saving the fabric as well as it will not ruin the colors of the garment.
It would be great if you will dilute the white vinegar with the water and then rub it on the surface of anything you have created at the sewing machine or by hand. Your product or project will be safe from the insects and you can store it without worries. It will also change the PH of the fabric and it will be much safer for you to use it on the dyeing fabric.
Laundry Baskets:
Some sewers may live in the area where they have to go through the dust problems and they also have to do the dusting several times in a day to get rid of the dust in the home. If you have a small sewing area in the home then I recommend storing all your fabric in the laundry basket with the lid. The constant dust and exposure to sunlight will damage the thread of the garment.
[Image: NRamm0v.jpg]
Use a laundry basket to store sewing fabric
Keep the unstitched fabric in the laundry basket and always keep it covered with the lid. If you are not covering the lid then after sometime you will be noticing the dead texture of the fabric and it can also add up lint in your machine.
Safe Storage:
As a sewer, you must have the skill to manage the budget and to always keep an eye on the storage. If you are shopping without any reason and just stocking everything in the sewing area then after sometime it will be a mess and you won’t be able to use anything. It’s important to always use the safe storage technique which means that buy things in a limited quantity.
As a sewer always have some savings so you can invest it later in a sewing machine or buy something related to the stitching. Sometimes it may also happen that you have to buy the material in an emergency situation because you need to sew something for the client. Be a wise sewer always.
It’s essential to understand the techniques to store the fabric because if you will use an old fabric then it can add up lint in your sewing machine. To get the best guidance about which sewing machine you should buy, watch [Image: xPDvpct.gif] Which Is The Best Sewing Machine For Beginners Reviews And Comparison and choose the best one for your sewing career.
I hope above-mentioned tricks will help you in storing the fabric successfully as well as now you can work in peace.

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