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Aksara - a Complex CRUD Starter Kit

(This post was last modified: 01-18-2022, 08:49 AM by abydahana.)

We made an update related to core features and market integration.

New Features:
  1. Add the capability to install under MySQLi, SQLSRV, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 engine;
  2. Add the capability to install the Add-Ons from Aksara Market directly and generate the menus and permission automatically based with it's own package manifest;
  3. Add the capability to import the Add-Ons from Add-Ons importer;
  4. Add the capability to customize, update and delete the modules or themes and remove the junk menus and permission that previously created when uninstalling the modules;
  5. Add the JSON Machine to the dependency to handle large JSON file;
  6. Add the ArcGIS MapServer function rendering to /public/assets/local/js/openlayers.min.js when display the map using "data-arcgis-rest-url" data attribute;
  7. Add the API documentation (automatically generated) under API menu;
  8. Add the grid view option to switch the table to grid view;
  9. Add the cover on mobile view when the first column of grid data is an image;
  10. Assign the method of "parent_module" related to view template and permission;
  11. Add the option parameter for "set_title" to set the individual title for current action (index, create, read, update);
  12. Add the reverse geocoding for openlayers when updating the layer feature;
  13. Add the capability to get nearest features when using OpenLayers;
  14. Add the routing machine preparation for maps rendering;
  15. Add the limit number to the pagination;
  16. Adds the failed login attempts blocking with customizable attempt count and blocking time;
  17. Add the sample individual user privileges;
Bug Fixed:
  1. Update the installation wizard;
  2. Add the statement to prevent infinity loop when no result in set_relation;
  3. Fix the download pdf feature when using mPDF;
  4. Adding missing last name on register;
  5. Fix the missing format for API response;
  6. Adds the missing validation for core modules;
  7. Unify the unique validation separator when accidentally doing typo;
  8. Correct the view path finder of sub-module;
  9. Update missing validation token;
  10. Update autocomplete that resulting not found when truncated keyword has trailing dots;
  11. Add the missing permission for sub-admin (technical) permission;
  12. Fix the missing token when ordering the column;
  13. Add the missing parameter value that throws error when no parameter given;
  14. Update the statement under "unique" validation when second parameter is empty;
  1. Add the delete restriction for the data that included in "unset_delete";
  2. Update the datepicker format;
  3. Add the ability to using the user page (profile) from the administration page by converting the user_id to username;
  4. Update the datepicker format;
  5. Add the language selection to the sidebar;
  6. Add the function to forcing modal to be opened in small screen;
  7. Adding the ripple effect to the button;
  8. Refine the mobile UI;
  9. Improve the autocomplete;
  10. Add the missing escape when using join table;
  11. Rewrite "where" method for query builder to add capability to escape the complex query or use subquery;
  12. Add checker to ignore the parameter when the value is null on "unique" validation;
  13. Pair default value to disabled field;
  14. Updating the theme and url helper that previously not working with imported theme and modules. Add the function to call the asset under theme and module;
  15. Login page improvements, removing the login component due issue within theme view overriding;
  16. Improve the carousel slideshow CMS that previously missing the order when uploaded file is skipping the first slide;
  17. Adds the token to the json response when it's requested from CRUD form;
  18. Enlarge the group privileges modal;
  19. Add the query builder compatibility for each database driver;
  20. Refine the statement of session cleaner module;
  21. Update the statement to skip the field inside the form validation. Update the null value to empty when preparing the field data value;
  1. Replace the native query with migration under the installation wizard to working with multiple type of databases;
  2. Unset the country as required field;
  3. Add the partial content related to account management;
  4. Remove the profile component from the component.min.js;
  5. Replace Owl Carousel with SwiperJS;
  6. Replace the excel export / import with PHPOffice/PHPSpreadSheet;
  7. Changes on Assets controller to working with theme preview (related to base_url and asset_url configuration value);
  8. Removing unused JS plugins;
  9. Changes for uploader plugin with Aksara custom uploader since the previous version used to be paid version (fileuploader by innostudio);
  10. Replace the default session path to file due to database write issue related to CodeIgniter;
  11. String helper: changes in string replacement to display the restricted syntax as special chars;

 View changes and updates.
Try my CodeIgniter based CRUD and API Toolkit: https://github.com/abydahana/aksara

Messages In This Thread
RE: Aksara - a Complex CRUD Starter Kit - by abydahana - 01-18-2022, 08:47 AM

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