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Help Needed with Documentation

(This post was last modified: 06-05-2021, 02:01 PM by captain-sensible.)

well i have half a clue with web developement and am full stack recently setting up apache on Arch Linux , with bootstrap sass and grunt task runner to convert and concatanate bootstrap sass into css, with a custom css that over rides bootstrap where applicable.

I have written my own cms ; which i am reviewing , though reading through your book , its rough and ready lacking finess and ignoring fancy testing approaches. It does work though and has basic securiity in place. No i'm not bothered uploading to github anymore, since for one the presence of all the node_modules that bootstrap needs puts it well over the upload limit. If you pm, or via email me i am willing to give you the login page (which is hidden) and you can poke around the system i've written -that way yo uwill knowthe level i'm at - its not that great to be honest .

probably though my greatest asset if i'm being honest is that i have always had to put a lot of time and effort into getting things to work googling and sometimes applying an Amoeba approach( thats when you bang your head on a wall and are too dumb to know what to do , so you try every permutation until l it works !) . Thus if i can undestand the docs then anyone can . If i can't undestand the docs or you have omitted something ,assuming the reader would know that , then you are not pitching the level at beginners , who are probably the biggest potential for uptake for CI.

ps my go to web browser on vanilla Arch is waterfox not forefox, but unlike firefox i can't find any box to tick for spelling ,thus there is probably plenty of erros above. i do know however how to use aspell from a linux command line to spell check php and html pages.
Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

Messages In This Thread
Help Needed with Documentation - by kilishan - 06-04-2021, 07:07 AM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by demyr - 06-05-2021, 07:58 AM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by captain-sensible - 06-05-2021, 01:52 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by kilishan - 06-06-2021, 08:32 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by kilishan - 06-21-2021, 08:34 AM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by acutetech - 06-24-2021, 01:50 AM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by sudeepjd - 08-20-2021, 08:44 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by kenjis - 11-17-2021, 09:28 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by kenjis - 11-17-2021, 08:01 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by sudeepjd - 07-29-2021, 02:52 AM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by renela - 08-20-2021, 12:02 PM
RE: Help Needed with Documentation - by kenjis - 12-01-2021, 05:20 PM

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