Model files in CI4 |
(07-19-2021, 10:57 AM)Filippo65 Wrote: 1) I'm already grouping many tabel's data into big multi-table objects, i.e: I would do it with your 1B solution. This is how I did it in my tutorial. Simple models and entities for recipes and ingredients, and the library build the final object containing one recipe with all its ingredients. But you can also do it in the model if that's what you prefer. It's really is a personal choice on how you want to organize your code. Personally I prefer my models to be simple and to do selects in a single table. (07-19-2021, 10:57 AM)Filippo65 Wrote: 2) $GC is declared "static" in the Controller. So I can handle it with the librarie's functions. What is $GC and why does it need to be static? (07-19-2021, 10:57 AM)Filippo65 Wrote: 3) In each library I had this header: There's no longer a CI super-object in CI4. You can use service('.....') to get a reference to the shared instance of the object you need. For example, if your need the request object in a library: PHP Code: use CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest; Note that the request object is already available in the controller with $this->request. (07-19-2021, 10:57 AM)Filippo65 Wrote: 4) In CI4 standard Model there is a Key declaration: This is to define the primary key. Not the foreign keys. If you have a table where the primary key is a combination of several columns, I would advise to change that to use a single column with an auto-increment id. If you can't do this, you won't be able to use some functions from the Model class because it needs a single column for the primary key. But if your other column are just reference to other tables, it won't cause any problem.
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Thanks includebeer.
Regard Models, since my primary keys are a combination of several columns (in order to avoid future overflows), I need a different way to handle the DB. The User Guide speaks about a "Manual Model Creation" (, but I can't find how does it work. Is it the old Ci3's $this->db object? Copying from there, I made my new Model file: M_Comuni_2db.php <?php namespace App\Models; use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface; class M_Comuni_2db { protected $db; public function __construct(ConnectionInterface &$db) { $this->db = &$db; } public function leggi_lingue($lingua = FALSE) { if ($lingua === FALSE) { $query = $this->db->get('AA_Tabella1'); return $query->result_object(); } // Else: $query = $this->db->get_where('AA_Tabella1', array('Lingua' => $lingua)); return $query->row_object(); } } But now how can I use it from the controller?
2.nd version of Model:
<?php namespace App\Models; use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface; class M_Comuni_2db { protected $db; public function __construct() { $this->db = \Config\Database::connect(); } public function leggi_lingue($lingua = FALSE) { if ($lingua === FALSE) { $query = $this->db->get('AA_Tabella1'); // <--- error happens here return $query->result_object(); } // Else: $query = $this->db->get_where('AA_Tabella1', array('Lingua' => $lingua)); return $query->row_object(); } } Then, in the Controller I have: use App\Models\M_Comuni_2db; (...) $modello = new \App\Models\M_Comuni_2db(); $ListaLingue = $modello->leggi_lingue(); (...) In this way the error is: "Call to undefined method CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection::get()" i.e. the $db object does NOT work like the old one... :-( How does it work?
Got it!
I must use $this->db->query($sql); So, now my Model is: <?php namespace App\Models; use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface; class M_Comuni_2db { protected $db; public function __construct() { $this->db = \Config\Database::connect(); } public function leggi_lingue($lingua = FALSE) { if ($lingua === FALSE) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM AA_Tabella1"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $Risultato_Obj = $query->getResultObject(); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM AA_Tabella1 where Lingua='".$lingua."'"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $Risultato_Obj = $query->getRow(); } $query->freeResult(); return $Risultato_Obj; } } It works. I'll check if the Query Builder Class can work here too. If not, I can maybe make my own class for setting up the $sql string.
(07-21-2021, 10:30 AM)Filippo65 Wrote: I'll check if the Query Builder Class can work here too. If not, I can maybe make my own class for setting up the $sql string. Of course you can use the Query Builder in your custom model. Read this page of the user guide: Quote:The Query Builder is loaded through the table() method on the database connection. This sets the FROM portion of the query for you and returns a new instance of the Query Builder class: PHP Code: $db = \Config\Database::connect();
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OK for the Model file, thanks.
But I still have some doubt on controller and libraries (the part that handles the model): Previous version, in CI3, was: File Home.php: PHP Code: // nothing on header File Library01.php: PHP Code: class Library01 Home.php: PHP Code: use App\Models\Mymodel01; PHP Code: use ??? // not yet checked Is this correct? I mean: it works (at least the controller; library not yet checked), but in this new version I have more code lines to write, instead of less. Maybe is there some "trick" that I haven't yet found?
Sorry for the very late reply. I was busy with "life"...
Anyway, like ikesela said, use the model() function to load a model. It will return a shared instance by default. So you you don't need to use a global variable, this is PHP 4 era mentality.
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Also remember that the Entity and Model Class names must match the file name.
MyEntity - MyEntity.php MyModel - MyModel.php What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
(09-05-2021, 03:39 PM)includebeer Wrote: Sorry for the very late reply. I was busy with "life"... 1) Does this work in the subroutines in the libraries too? I mean: in Library01.php methods I don't need to declare global $G_Mymodel01? 2) I'm an old man, born with Commodore64's Basic. Maybe I'm not using objects in the best way... But I can't imagine how to avoid global variables. My site is a game of strategy: the execute_move.php controller must load all the DB tables (80, more or less), then elaborate all orders, move units, solve combats, and so on; at the end, write the changes on the DB. I use 3 levels of subroutines, in 3 libraries. How can I do this, withot global objects? |
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