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How do you print all config vars to screen?

I accidentally did it a few times, but I can't remember what it was. Something like print_r($config) (but that's obviously isn't working).

Also, is it possible to add config vars to the array without placing them in config files?
edit: yes, with $this->config->set_item('item_name', 'item_value');

Use Modular Extensions debug helper : debug($this->config) or debug_in($this->config)

[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
You can get all the currently loaded config vars with:

Edit: wired was too quick Smile .

[quote author="inparo" date="1209962753"]You can get all the currently loaded config vars with:

Edit: wired was too quick Smile .[/quote]

That was what I was thinking, but I use a function 'p()' (I believe Lone made it) that prints out print_r(), but in a nicer layout. But just not $this->config :-)


[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1209962713"]Use Modular Extensions debug helper : debug($this->config) or debug_in($this->config)[/quote]

Wire(d) to the rescue! ;-)

Try this formatted output which I find is far more readable:
echo '<pre>';
  echo '</pre>';

Here's the p() function. I put in MY_Controller:

function p($var)
            $array = 1;
            $title = 'Array Output';
            $array = 0;
            $title = 'Variable Output';
        echo '<div style="background:#eee; border:1px solid #888; color: #444; font-size: 12px; clear:both;">'."\n";
        echo '<h5 style="font-weight:bold; font-size:1.2em; line-height: 1.4em;">'.$title.'</h5>'."\n";
        if($array) {
            echo '<pre>'."\n";
            echo '</pre>'."\n";
            echo $var;
        echo '</div>'."\n";

And here is Modular Extensions debug_helper.php for those that are interested.
&lt;?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Modular Extensions - HMVC
* Debug Helper
* Version 4.0.29 (c) Wiredesignz 2008-04-28

* Debug
* Lists object_vars for an object
function debug($_this)
    if (is_object($_this))
        echo '<pre>',get_class($_this),' Object: '."\n",
        print_r(array_keys(get_object_vars($_this)), TRUE),'</pre>';
        echo '<br />';

* Debug_in
* Dumps contents of an object or array
function debug_in($_this)
    if (is_object($_this))
        echo '<pre>',get_class($_this),' Object: '."\n",
        print_r(get_object_vars($_this), TRUE),'</pre>';
        echo '<br />';
    if (is_array($_this))
        echo '<pre>',
        print_r($_this, TRUE),'</pre>';
        echo '<br />';

[eluser]louis w[/eluser]
Just to throw in my 2 cents. Here is the function I use for displaying array contents.

I wanted to be able to pass in a title to label the display. Also by using true as the second param in print_r it will be treated as a string. Then I can do things such as email it or display it in the debug logs.

function print_r_pre($array,$title=false,$echo=true) {
    if (!is_array($array)) return;
    $output = '<pre>'
            . ((!empty($title)) ? '<strong>'.$title.' =</strong> ' : '')
            . print_r($array, true)
            . '</pre>';

    if ($echo) {
        echo $output;
    } else {
        return $output;

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