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Iterate over a DB function, JSON_ARRAY in CI4

Hi, I'm storing a JSON_ARRAY in the DB(10.4.22-MariaDB) , with 2 tables (`hotel` and a `services`) joined,  following is the `services` Model's save method:

PHP Code:
public function saveServices($data)
    $db db_connect();
    $db->query("INSERT INTO services(
        ) VALUES (

Which is working good, The Problem I'm having is, when I query the results and send them to Views, I cannot seems to iterate over the VALUES in the JSON_ARRAY, when I use a [foreach] loop in my Views, the result queries the whole array including the square brackets and such, for eg. like this: ["breakfast", "lunch", "dinner"]

Following is my `Home` Controller's read method which I use to send to my Views:

PHP Code:
public function readHotelAndServiceBy($id)
        $hotel = new HotelModel();
        $services = new ServicesModel();

        $data = [
            'hotel' => $hotel->SELECT('hotel_name''hotel_desc')->find($id),
            'dining' => $services->SELECT("dining")->find($id),
        return view('readhotel'$data);

I have used both json_encode and json_decode functions too, but the results end up the same.

What is the best way to itterate over the JSON_ARRAY , which queries it's VALUES as the following (without the square brackets):


Hope I make myself clear.

I don't understand what problem you are facing.
You get JSON from the database.
Decode and get an array.

Hi, I've managed to solve this problem, below is my code. Hope it helps somebody

<?php foreach ($value as $i=>$vals): ?>
<?php foreach(json_decode($vals) as $x=>$y):?>
<?= $y ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach;

First I iterated over the Json array as my question asked, and on the Second Iteration, I managed to get the VALUES of the First iteration. Anyways if there is a more elegant way to do this, Ill gladly accept any suggestions. Smile

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