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How to work with auto routing and languages in CI4?

Hi, I've enabled auto routing ( https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/incom...g-improved ) in my CI4 project, and before start work with Localization ( https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/outgo...th-locales ) I was calling my controller method like this: http://mydomain.com/mycontroller/someaction , but now with Localization on, I'm using two languages: en, pt-BR. To call the same URL in the right way would be http://mydomain.com/pt-BR/mycontroller/someaction, but working with auto routing and Localization, this URI with "locale" (pt-BR or en) does not work. Did I forget something? What is the right way to work with Location + auto routing improved in CI4? Thanks.

The auto routing does not support localization. It does nothing for localization.

I recommend you use the defined route with locale:

For localization see this tutorial.

Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 4 (part 1)

Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 4 (part 2)
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?

Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Thank you! Gradually I am understanding the difference between CI3 and CI4.

(09-18-2022, 12:07 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: For localization see this tutorial.

Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 4 (part 1)

Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 4 (part 2)
The link is no longer accessible, are there any other references?

IncludeBeer.com blog is closed... sorry!

Project closed?
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

I made a pdf of the web site so I have them here.

NOTE: All rights belong to the respectful owner!

IncludeBeer - Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?

Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

(09-17-2024, 10:01 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: I made a pdf of the web site so I have them here.

NOTE: All rights belong to the respectful owner!

IncludeBeer - Creating a multilingual website with CodeIgniter 

thank you so much

(This post was last modified: 09-18-2024, 03:35 AM by InsiteFX. Edit Reason: Spelling Error! )

These are the changes I made for it to work with CodeIgniter v4.5.5.
You will need to change a couple of things that do not work any more.

1) The BaseController new code.

        * E.g.: $this->session = \Config\Services::session();
        * Ensure that the session is started and running
        if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
            $this->session = Services::session();

        $config = new App();

        $this->viewData['page'] = '';
        $this->viewData['locale'] = $this->request->getLocale();
        $this->viewData['supportedLocales'] = $config->supportedLocales;

         * Used also in the html file.
         * $locale = session()->get('locale');
         * ?>
         * <!doctype html>
         * <html lang="<?= $locale; ?>" data-bs-theme="auto">
        session()->set('locale', $this->request->getLocale());

2) Changes to the Localize Filter Class.


namespace App\Filters;

use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
use Config\App;

* Class Localize
* @package App\Filters
class Localize implements FilterInterface
    * Class properties go here.
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------
    * public, private, protected, static and const.

    * @var mixed
    private static mixed $newLocale;

    * @var string
    private string $strTmp;

    * before()
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Do whatever processing this filter needs to do.
    * By default, it should not return anything during
    * normal execution. However, when an abnormal state
    * is found, it should return an instance of
    * CodeIgniter\HTTP\Response. If it does, script
    * execution will end and that Response will be
    * sent back to the client, allowing for error pages,
    * redirects, etc.
    * @param  RequestInterface $request
    * @param  null            $arguments
    * @return RedirectResponse|void
    public function before(RequestInterface $request, $arguments = null)
        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize --- start ---");

        $userLocale = '';

        $uri = $request->getUri();

        $segments  = array_filter($uri->getSegments());
        $nbSegments = count($segments);

        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - {$nbSegments} segments = " . print_r($segments, true));

        if ($nbSegments == 2) {
$userLocale = $segments['1'];

        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - Visitor's locale $userLocale");

        $config = new App();

        // If the user's language is not a supported language, take the default language
        $locale = in_array($userLocale, $config->supportedLocales) ? $userLocale : $config->defaultLocale;

        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - Selected locale $locale");

        // If we request /, redirect to /{locale}
        if ($nbSegments == 0) {
            log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - Redirect / to /{$locale}");
            log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize --- end ---");

            return redirect()->to("/{$locale}");

        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - segments[0] = " . $segments[0]);

        // If the first segment of the URI is not a valid locale, trigger a 404 error
        if ( ! in_array($locale, $config->supportedLocales)) {
            log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - ERROR Invalid locale '{$locale}'");
            log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize --- end ---");

            throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound();

        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize - Valid locale '$locale'");
        log_message('debug', "FilterLocalize --- end ---");

    public function after(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $arguments = null)
        // Do something here

}    // End of Localize Filter Class.

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Filename: Localize.php
* Location: ./app/Filters/Localize.php
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

And for those that want it here my Bootstrap 5.3.3 html NavBar code for a Language DropDown selection.

PHP Code:
<ul class="navbar-nav flex-row flex-wrap ms-xxl-auto">
    <!-- DropDown for Language selection Component -->
    <li class="nav-item dropdown">
        <class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
            <class="bi bi-globe">
                <?= lang("Languages.languageName_$locale"); ?>

         <!-- Loop through Languages and build links -->
        <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end text-small shadow">
            <?php foreach ($supportedLocales as $supLocale): ?>
                 <li class="nav-item">
                    <a class="dropdown-item<?= setActive($supLocale$locale); ?>" href="<?= $supLocale ?>">
                        <?= lang("Languages.languageName_$supLocale"); ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
     </li>  <!-- End of DropDown Language Section Component --> 

I moved all blog Language code to blog.php see below English only you will need to create the rest.


* Blog - English
* Direction: left to right LTR
return [
    // Header
    'title'          => "Welcome to our Blog.",
    'metaDescription' => "Example of a multilingual website made with CodeIgniter",
    'metaKeywords'    => "CodeIgniter, language, example",
    // Blog
    'aboutTitle'      => "About",
    'aboutText'      => "Hello, here is an example of a multilingual blog.",
    'noArticles'      => "No articles",
    'readMore'        => "Read more",

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Filename: Blog.php
* Location: ./app/Language/en/Blog.php
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

I moved all Language code for the Bootstrap DropDown to languages.php

PHP Code:

* Languages - English
* For Language DropDown with Flags.
* Direction: left to right
* In total there are 12 Right to Left languages, including
* Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, Divehi, Fula, Hebrew, Kurdish,
* N'ko, Persian, Rohingya, Syriac, and Urdu
return [
    'languageName_ar'      => "earabiun",            // Arabic / right to left RTL
    'languageName_bg'      => "български",          // Bulgarian
    'languageName_bn'      => "বাংলা",                // Bengali
    'languageName_bs'      => "bosanski",            // Bosnian
    'languageName_cs'      => "čeština",              // Czech
    'languageName_de'      => "Deutsch",              // German
    'languageName_el'      => "ελληνικά",            // Greek
    'languageName_en'      => "English",              // English Default
    'languageName_es'      => "Español",              // Spanish
    'languageName_fa'      => "فارسی",                // Persian / right to left RTL
    'languageName_fr'      => "Français",              // French
    'languageName_hu'      => "magyar",                // Hungarian
    'languageName_id'      => "indonéz",              // Indonesian
    'languageName_it'      => "Italiano",              // Italian
    'languageName_ja'      => "日本語",                // Japanese
    'languageName_ko'      => "韓国人",                // Korean
    'languageName_lt'      => "lietuvių",              // Lithuanian
    'languageName_lv'      => "latviski",              // Latvian
    'languageName_ml'      => "മലയാളം",              // Malayalam
    'languageName_nl'      => "Nederlands",            // Dutch
    'languageName_no'      => "norsk",                // Norwegian
    'languageName_pl'      => "Polski",                // Polish
    'languageName_pt'      => "Português (Portugal)",  // Portuguese (Portugal)
    'languageName_pt-BR'    => "Português (Brasil)",    // Portuguese (Brazil)
    'languageName_ro'      => "română",                // Romanian
    'languageName_ru'      => "rusă",                  // Russian
    'languageName_si'      => "සිංහල",                // Sinhala
    'languageName_sk'      => "slovenský",            // Slovak
    'languageName_sr'      => "српски",                // Serbian
    'languageName_sv-SE'    => "svenska",              // Swedish
    'languageName_ta'      => "தமிழ்",                // Tamil
    'languageName_th'      => "แบบไทย",              // Thai
    'languageName_tr'      => "Türkçe",              // Turkish
    'languageName_uk'      => "українська",          // Ukrainian
    'languageName_vi'      => "Tiếng Việt",          // Vietnamese
    'languageName_zh-CN'    => "中文(简体)",          // Chinese (Simplified)
    'languageName_zh-TW'    => "中文(繁體)",          // Chinese (Traditional) Taiwan

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Filename: Languages.php
* Location: ./app/Language/en/Languages.php
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?

Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

(This post was last modified: 11-16-2024, 02:54 AM by Vespa.)

Really interesting and useful, thanks for sharing this code.
InsiteFX, using the following code in BaseController:

if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
          $this->session = Services::session();

I get the error: Class "App\Controllers\Services" not found.

$config = new App();

Give me the error: Class "App\Controllers\App" not found

Any hint to fix this?
Thanks a lot for your time

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