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CodeExtinguisher 2.0 Release Candidate 14.2

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
only thing I can kind of remember, is that a while ago it was a CI issue

look here: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/73629/

[eluser]Daniel Peraza[/eluser]
I have been looking for some docs on how to change the overview's table header to something more understandable instead of the field names of my DB table. Please, could you provide me some info about this?.

Also, I have several tables with description fields, which I must pass through word_limiter(), in order to show a shorter description in my Overview's page. I created a custom controller which inherits codexController and overrode the prepForDisplay() method, but this seems to change the display of the other fields in my table. I would like to achieve the same presentation that the custom CRUD controller gives to my Overview page, but only to reduce the number of words in my description field. How should I fix this problem?

More complete documentation is needed by this project to make it success. It has an extraordinary potential, but looks very incomplete. I've been trying to access to the URLs posted in this thread but most of them don't seem to work. I think that at least, this might be fixed in a short period of time, don't you think?

Thanks in advance...

UPDATE to my issue with random logouts

Majd Taby - the thread you linked to solved my issue. $config['cookie_domain'] = ".domain.com"; was the bit that seemed to do it. That and advising the client to *always* use http://domain.com rather than http://www.domain.com.

Anyone know where I can download the latest version? All links seem to be dead. Thanks!

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Download: http://codeextinguisher.com/codex2_rc14.2.zip

I have fixed the link, you can now download codex again.

NOTE: CodeExtinguisher development has been stalled for a very long time. People are still using CodeExtinguisher and are actively downloading it. However, due to my employment, interest, and time, I will not be able to continue working on CodeExtinguisher. I may release a new CMS in the future, but it will not be related to the current state of CodeExtinguisher.

Thanks a lot! Can't wait for your next project. Smile

[eluser]Bui Duc Long[/eluser]
Does anyone have the Template plugin? http://codeextinguisher.pbworks.com/Template

Hello, I have codeExtinguisher working perfectely, but I need to change all my texteareas to wysiwug.
I am trying for 3 days to get the editor.php plugin working, even thought i want all the textareas of the backend using wysiwyg and would be great not to need to make a definition for every table to get it Smile

My real problem thought is that i get several errors. My yaml file doesnt have any tab at all, and the editor.php code is the last version published (tried the version copied from this forum and the one at the wiki with same result):

Uninitialized string offset: 0 in libraries/codexforms.php Line Number: 53

Uninitialized string offset: 0 in libraries/codexforms.php Line Number: 55

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vivelibr/CI_system/libraries/Exceptions.php:166) in codeigniter/Common.php Line Number: 360

And last error: Could not find proper plugin.

I downloaded last version of tinymce and uploaded the tiny_mce folder as instructed, uploaded the plugin and copied the yaml example just changing field name

Can anyone please give me a hand here? Thanks a lot!! Smile

Hey, guys!

Could you please share a copy of CodeExtinguisher on a filehosting?

I can not find it on the web!


[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Hey everyone, long time no see. I've uploaded 14.2 to my site (jtaby.com) and you can download it here: http://jtaby.com/codex2_rc14.2.zip

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