can anyone tell me when (what RC version) the many to many plugin was updated from the original items list with checkboxes to the current two lists allowing you to move items from one list to the other?
ok scratch that question. based on one of RCs that doesn't have the new relational and form container for relational plugins, can anyone tell me how/when postInsertHook and/or postEditHook methods in the manytomany plugin are called? i'm trying to simply echo out a string from within the previously mentioned methods to help debug, and i get nothing. and now i'm actually thinking that since they're post HOOKS that echoing anything from them most likely won't show me anything. at the same time there is:
if($this->CI->db->affected_rows() == 0)
show_error('There was an error inserting new item into the linking table.');
in the code so maybe i SHOULD be able to echo something out of them??? anyone have any advice on this? sorry to be asking about old RCs, but i've got too much work in this one version that i can't upgrade quickly so i'd rather finish this iteration and then refactor the code to use CE2.0 when it's closer to complete/stable, which i can't wait for. lots of good things to come. btw, jtaby, i think i've got a pretty straightforward fckeditor plugin built using its JS implementation. (similar to how tinyMCE was implemented in previous versions) i'll try and package it up all pretty-like and hit you up through pm if you're interested in it.