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ANDROMEDE CMS powered by Codeigniter 4.4
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2023, 01:58 AM by ALTITUDE_DEV.)

Hello Codeigniter community!

I want to share my work here for an overview of what is possible with Codeigniter, which is now my preferred PHP application for me, I have abandoned Symfony for Codeigniter, which has changed my life!

I have a small web agency in France, and after 15 years of using WordPress, I decided to create my own CMS "Andromde CMS" with "Roll of drums" CI4.4 of course!

Previews Screens are here :
  • Module system (plugins)
  • Theme system
  • Everything is manageable (even the code of pages directly in editor)
  • OpenAi API, Stripe V2, PayPalV2, Discord, SMSAPI, and more are associated.
  • I plan several modules (e-commerce, online reservation, SMS, forums, etc.)
  • A Live editor is also implanted so my clients can modify their pages themselves.
  • With its magnificent multilingual module, the site is 100% available in several languages!
  • Language call manager with {{ lang.key }} in templates!
  • Media manager, permission management, CSRF token, honeypot, throttle...
  • Automatic emailing, 2FA Google Authenticator.
It is powered by PHP 8.3 and will follow its evolution over time.

The CI version will also always be updated to follow the framework's evolution over time.
I do not erase any of CI's native functions to allow a developer to maintain and improve the work.

Used technologies: PHP 8.3, Mysql, Jquery 3.6.3 (back only), Bootstrap 5.x edited (3000 lines), Ajax, Crud... Twig 3.7

Loading time without cache:
30-90ms Max

Loading time with cache:
14-40ms Max

Snyk Score: A+
ChatpGPT: Detects no flaws and finds the code secure (Big Grin)
Google Insight: 100% everywhere!

Previews Screens are here :

So thank you CI for this magnificent PHP framework  Heart
A passionate developer from Altitude Dev

(01-30-2023, 05:59 AM)ALTITUDE_DEV Wrote: Hello Codeigniter community!

I want to share my work here for an overview of what is possible with Codeigniter, which is now my preferred PHP application for me, I have abandoned Symfony for Codeigniter, which has changed my life!

I have a small web agency in France, and after 15 years of using WordPress, I decided to create my own CMS "Andromde CMS" with "Roll of drums" CI4.3 of course!

Previews Screens are here :
  • Module system (plugins)
  • Theme system
  • Everything is manageable (even the code of pages directly in editor)
  • OpenAi API, Stripe V2, PayPalV2, Discord, SMSAPI, and more are associated.
  • I plan several modules (e-commerce, online reservation, SMS, forums, etc.)
  • A Live editor is also implanted so my clients can modify their pages themselves.
  • With its magnificent multilingual module, the site is 100% available in several languages!
  • Language call manager with {{ lang.key }} in templates!
  • Media manager, permission management, CSRF token, honeypot, throttle...
  • Automatic emailing, 2FA Google Authenticator.
It is powered by PHP 8.2X and will follow its evolution over time.

The CI version will also always be updated to follow the framework's evolution over time.
I do not erase any of CI's native functions to allow a developer to maintain and improve the work.

Used technologies: PHP 8.2, Mysql, Jquery 3.6.3, Bootstrap 5.x edited (3000 lines), Ajax, Crud...

Loading time without cache:
60ms Max

Loading time with cache:
30-40ms Max

Snyk Score: A+
ChatpGPT: Detects no flaws and finds the code secure (Big Grin)
Google Insight: 100% everywhere!

Previews Screens are here :

So thank you CI for this magnificent PHP framework  Heart
A passionate developer from Altitude Dev

That's cool !!

I like the way you manage CI 

What is your goal ? remove wordpress to CI ? why ? (I think it's a good move but just want to know your arguments)


Julien (from Le Havre FR)

(This post was last modified: 01-30-2023, 07:49 AM by ALTITUDE_DEV.)

Merci beaucoup Julien (Thanks Julien)

Several problems, depending on X developers, I'm sick of it Big Grin, X WP plugins unmanageable in time and sometimes expensive for the end customer.

I like code, and I find it very frustrating to see no code and extensions that the customer does not have hands on to achieve what he wants, and my reasons are many as performance, for example my cms is faster than a webflow site ... and I also have the merit of having my custom solution much easier to maintain with my customers, a time saver for them as for me.

thats great @ALTITUDE_DEV here is my code of my CMS https://notabug.org/captainsensible/codeigniter4CMS ; where are you having your version control hosted ?
CMS CI4 A CMS system, runs out of the box written on top of CI4
Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

That looks great! Would love to take it for a spin if you've got a public repo somewhere!

It seems really great!! Great work!!!

Looks great and exciting. Congratulations.
Is there any demo?

Hello, thank you for your positive feedback.

Unfortunately I do not offer my CMS in free version, I have developed my solution for my private customers, because I want to keep control in the future maintenance for my customers.

I'm sorry, but if needed I can answer your questions if it can help Wink

I've been using CI for 2 years now, it's really an unknown framework but it's so much better than the others from my point of view.

my CMS has been downloaded to 26 Countries , so a few know about it .
CMS CI4 A CMS system, runs out of the box written on top of CI4
Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

(01-31-2023, 05:37 AM)captain-sensible Wrote: my CMS has been downloaded to 26 Countries , so  a few know about it .

Hi Captain, 
Sorry i dont use your cms/code or version ^^ good continuation in your project Wink

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