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GMT and time localization

okay, disregard my disregard, im not sure if its just me making it more worse.

i try to play around the date function to go about time localization. I guess what I'm trying to do is to make sure the user from any point around the globe see's the time on the page as a local time rather than 'server' time.

in my controller i have this function below to play around:

function gmttolocale(){
        echo "timezone identified: ".date("e", now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "daylight: ".date("I", now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "current timezone is: ".date("T", now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "gmdate function returns: ".gmdate("m d Y h:i a", now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "date Z (diff to GMT in secs): ".date("Z", now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "localtime (with CI time_reference = local): ".date("m d Y h:i a",now())." ".date("T",now());
        echo "<BR>";
        echo "difference to GMT (secs): ".date("Z", now());
        echo "<BR>"; $diff = date("Z", now());
        echo "localtime + difference to GMT = ".date("m d Y h:i a",now() + ( $diff ));

Okay first things first, i tried to normalize my PC time and adjusted it to london time (which according to windows is just GMT without any offset) Ensuring that I get the GMT time as if Im in london. For reference this is now, 11:40 AM May 27 (again 'Im in London')

Now, using the function above, testing the local time now echoes my london local time to be the same as above (11:40 AM May 27th)

now() function should return the local version not gmt since config.php in CI is now set to $config['time_reference'] = 'local'

the function above echoes this:

timezone identified: Europe/London
daylight: 1
current timezone is: BST
gmdate function returns: 05 27 2008 10:30 am
date Z (diff to GMT in secs): 3600
localtime (with CI time_reference = local): 05 27 2008 11:30 am BST
difference to GMT (secs): 3600
localtime + difference to GMT = 05 27 2008 12:30 pm

I guess my concern would be the things below:

*as per results above, the localtime returned the same as my local computers time ('I'm in London'), which is 11:30 am of May 27th which is fine...

*why is there a difference to GMT in secs for 3600? when there should be no offset (Europe/London timezone specs is offset=0.0);

*the last line at the bottom of the result lines should be the very line I would use to identify the user's current time (not the 'server' time) however, based on the result above the resulting time of 05 27 2008 12:30 pm makes no sense to me at all... when a user is currently in london opening my website he sees he's time to be 05 27 2008 12:30 pm instead of 05 27 2008 11:36 am ?????!! i'm pretty sure this is because of the gmdate() returning and offset of about 1 hr (3600).... But then again it cauld be other stuffs causing this...

* or, i guess im just not understanding the proper use of gmdate function, date("Z", now()) function etc..??

My PC localtime is based on this http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ , see london and this is using DST

any help would greatly be appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
GMT and time localization - by El Forum - 05-27-2008, 01:30 AM
GMT and time localization - by El Forum - 05-27-2008, 02:29 AM
GMT and time localization - by El Forum - 05-27-2008, 04:47 AM

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