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Most Popular Open Source CI app?

Question to the CI community...What is the most popular Open Source CI application?

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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

I asked this question because I wanted to see if CI had something that brings positive attention to it (other then what I already knew). That being said it seems that it doesn't. Which brings me to my next question to the CI community.

What kind of app do you think could be built that would bring positive attention to CI? Any suggestions or ideas?

@php_rocs only my very humble opinion . if you look at inner workings wordpress its an utter abomination; but 455 Million can't be wrong ?
Probably WP most attractive feature as told to me someone that thinks installing Wordpress is coding is the available plugins.

So if i were say setting out a long term strategy this is what I would say:

Microsoft Windows OS for (none server) has only a single install there is no confusion in being offered variants of it or variants of install. There is basically one version but with point releases Windows 8, Windows xp, windows 10 etc. To my knowledge there is only one Wordpress but there are point releases. There is a quite large reservoir of plugins.So what I thin would help get +ve attention is to have one core CI ; then to have plugins perhaps in the form of libraries that can leverage financial transaction , I library that adds CMS capability. I have a book on Amazon about Arch Linux its install and tips etc.

I decided to write an update and include a section on web development something similar the docs that i wrote and are on https://docs.slackware.com/ which goes though setting up apache, approach to permissions in terms of a user editing code and so on ; editing httpd.conf , then i go through installing CI4 on it. So i had a look at the app starter approach mentioned on docs along the lines of :

[andrew@darkstar http]$ composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter nameOfWebDev --no-dev

Absolutely fine and vendor appeared on composer update, which i know every other addition will go using composer. So on a subdomain approach live all that needs to be uploaded is app, public, writable, vendor and configure so document root points to public. That can not be argued with because i have a working web using it. So great

Then i went to compare https://packagist.org/packages/codeigniter4/framework and get a different architecture of directories. So have one core CI4 with no choices except the point release to an updated version , but start looking at how it can be leveraged with "plugin libraries" to create flexible choices for people. Then if you can capture even the tiniest market share of WP then things will really start to get noticed.
CMS CI4     I use Arch Linux by the way 


@captain-sensible thanks for your suggestion. I'm just wondering if doing another CMS is overplayed.


I would say that it depends on what the CMS has to offer.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

@InsiteFX , While I agree with your statement. I was thinking of a project based on an idea that is unique or maybe a different perspective or a combination of tools.

Well about 10 yearsa ago I used WordPress, It was the Plugin system that made it so great back then.

But when they started getting Security problems I quit using it and have been with CI ever since.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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