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CI4 support MariaDB?

My hosting service it will update MySQL with MariaDB. Is Codeigniter 4 compatible?
I read the doc: https://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/i...-databases but i do this question for more security.
Thanks for help me.

Yes it does.

I use it all the time not MySQL it works just fine
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Yes, CodeIgniter 4 is compatible with MariaDB. MariaDB is a fork of MySQL, and it is fully compatible with the MySQL driver that comes with CodeIgniter 4. In fact, MariaDB is the default database for CodeIgniter 4 installations.

I understand your concern about wanting to be sure, but you can rest assured that CodeIgniter 4 will work fine with MariaDB. There are no known compatibility issues between the two platforms.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL, so you won't need to make any changes to your CodeIgniter 4 application when you switch to MariaDB.
MariaDB is a very stable and well-maintained database, so you can be confident that it will be reliable.
MariaDB is open-source software, so it is free to use.
If you are still having any concerns, you can always contact the CodeIgniter 4 community for support. There are many helpful people who will be happy to assist you.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for reply! ?

(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 04:03 AM by SubrataJ.)

#Question, which one would you prefer while working with a large dataset?
Learning Codeigniter 

(11-21-2023, 03:54 AM)SubrataJ Wrote: #Question, which one would you prefer while working with a large dataset?
How large ?
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Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

(11-21-2023, 05:43 AM)captain-sensible Wrote:
(11-21-2023, 03:54 AM)SubrataJ Wrote: #Question, which one would you prefer while working with a large dataset?
How large ?

For example, in a student management application with multiple schools, each school has a minimum of 50K students and has to manage their daily attendance and a lot of report generation. It's in the development process and it still client manages to insert more than 1M data overall in just 3 months.
Learning Codeigniter 

(10-26-2023, 09:23 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: I use it all the time not MySQL it works just fine

@InsiteFX  Are you on a shared hosting plan and if yes, how easy is it  to find a good shared hosting with mariadb?

(11-22-2023, 12:06 AM)demyr Wrote:
(10-26-2023, 09:23 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: I use it all the time not MySQL it works just fine

@InsiteFX  Are you on a shared hosting plan and if yes, how easy is it  to find a good shared hosting with mariadb?

I can't speak for others, but our company (located in Europe) exclusively use MariaDB for our shared and dedicated hosting plans. We have been doing so for quite some time and have seen no adverse effects for any PHP based application. I think many "MySQL compatible" providers today are actually using MariaDB.


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