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Cast datetime from JSON string?

I have discovered a new behavior for Datetime Cast https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...meCast.php It can only recover from a string or a number. But for the API, the JSON result has an array
PHP Code:
array(3) {
  string(26"2023-11-25 10:20:35.000000"

Do you have any ideas how to do this better? Just taking the date may be wrong, the time zone will be lost
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

See https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4/pull/8230

No, in PR DatetimeCast apply only string value.
But Json have array: created_at => [ date, timezone, timezone_type]
Not simple "date* string
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

You need to write a custom cast handler for it.

By the way, why is your date in JSON strange format like that?

Hmm, its default DatetimeCast converter.

PHP Code:
    // Project entity
    protected $casts  = [
        'id'        => 'int',
        'user_id'    => 'int',
        'name'      => 'string',
        'link'      => 'string',
        'archival'  => 'string',
        'created_at' => 'datetime',

// Controller send response
return $this->response->setJSON($project);

// Get response after CURLRequest
        "name""Project #1",
        "created_at": {
            "date""2023-11-25 10:20:35.000000",
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

Isn't it a bug?

If you need datetime with timezone, it is better to use string with timezone like "2005-08-15T15:52:01+00:00".

This is the behavior of the built-in DatetimeCast. It's not particularly critical for me, I added a new ExtDatetimeCast
Perhaps it is worth adding a special exception for dates in the Entity? toArray() executes castAs() and therefore the JSON gets not a string, but an object
PHP Code:
    * Support for json_encode()
    * @return array
    public function jsonSerialize()
        return $this->toArray();
Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

The current Entity is somewhat broken.
I don't know what toArray() is.

Return all casted properties, and not just strings

Simple CI 4 project for beginners codeigniter-expenses ( topic )

In my opinion, casts in Entity is broken.
and toRawArray() does not return raw value (string) if it is Time object.

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