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Can Anyone Recommend a Tutorial or Example for AWS SQS in CI4?

I need to connect a CI4 project to Amazon's Simple Query Service (SQS) to send and receive messages. Can someone point me to a tutorial, example, library etc? I went through 10 pages of Google with no luck. Also, why doesn't this forum have search?

I can't help you with SQS, but the forum does have a search option in the top menu bar. There are a number of threads referring to SQS but I didn't read them.

I hear you, connecting CI4 to SQS can be tricky. While I can't access specific forum details, I can help with resources. There aren't many dedicated CI4 & SQS tutorials, but these might be helpful:

AWS SDK for PHP: https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/ (This official library offers SQS functionality)
General PHP SQS examples: [Search for "php sqs example" on your favorite search engine] (These can be adapted to CI4)
Remember, searching for specific keywords like "CI4 SQS library" or "PHP SQS example" might yield better results than just "CI4 & SQS". Good luck!

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