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Associative array as request-data in XML-RPC request

It has been adressed before but i can't find a solid answer or a good solution. I want to post code below to a rpc-server:
$request = array(
        'userid'    => array('99','string'),
        'url'       => array('http://yoursite.com','string'),
        'email'     => array('[email protected]','string'),
        'lastname'  => array('Smith','string'),
        'firstname' => array('John','string')

This doesn't work as a request. It does however work when the same array is set as a server-response. Could anyone tell me why a struct or array type cannot be used as request data?

Edit: my question actually is: how does one pass key-value pairs to a xml-rpc-server if code above cannot be used?

Anyone? Maybe the developer (Paul Burdick?) of this set of classes could shine a light on this?

I have to say this was a complete head bender to get working, but after reading the code I got the following to work


class Xmlrpc_client extends Controller {
    function index()
        $server_url = site_url('xmlrpc_server');

        $this->xmlrpc->server($server_url, 80);

                                          // Param 0
                                          // Param 1

        if ( ! $this->xmlrpc->send_request())
            echo $this->xmlrpc->display_error();
            echo '<pre>';
            echo '</pre>';


class Xmlrpc_server extends Controller {

  function index()
    $config['functions']['Greetings'] = array('function' => 'Xmlrpc_server._process');
  function _process($request)
    $parameters = $request->output_parameters();
    $response = array(
                          'you_said'  => $parameters['0']['test'],
                          'you_said2'  => $parameters['1']['var1'],
                          'you_said3'  => $parameters['1']['var2'],
                          'i_respond' => 'Not bad at all.'
    return $this->xmlrpc->send_response($response);

enjoy Smile

just edited above to add more test data

That works indeed, thanks for your thoughts and work. But, there is always a but, wouldn't it be nice to have the parameters in the server like this:
'you_said1' => $parameters['test'],
'you_said2' => $parameters['var1'],
'you_said3' => $parameters['var2'],

That is what i was actually looking for. With the numeric indices it's difficult to do isset($parameters['test'])'s. Of course one could first rearrange the parameters-array and filter out the numeric indices, but that's not the point here Tongue

the problem is I don't think you can do what you are suggesting, in your case you just send the associative array as paramater 0

                                            'userid'    => '99',
                                            'url'       => 'http://yoursite.com',
                                            'email'     => '[email protected]',
                                            'lastname'  => 'Smith',
                                            'firstname' => 'John'

              $response = array(
                          'you_said2'  => $parameters['0']['userid'],
                          'you_said3'  => $parameters['0']['url'],
                          'i_respond' => 'Not bad at all.'

the reason why is xmlrpc will send data like:
&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
         <value><string>Another Val</string></value>

The parameters are sent through the param tags, you don't give them a name so it will always be param0 param1 param2 etc.

say if you wanted to pass an array to a normal php function you would pass it through a paramter index, the principle is the same (thats my understanding anyway).

I had already set your conclusion as my preliminary conclusion. I guess i have to live with it then. Thanks a lot for your help.

your welcome, I have learned a lot as well.

Thank you for this code. I have been trying to find this out for the last two weeks.

maybe a request to enhance the XMLRPC documentation is needed.


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