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Filter Customization for disallowed characters

Hello everyone. There was a problem with customizing the filter for disallowed characters. If I understand correctly, the exception is triggered before the standard filters are applied. 

PHP Code:
public function before(RequestInterface $request$arguments null)
        $uri $request->getUri()->getPath();

        if ( ! preg_match('/^[' config(App::class)->permittedURIChars ']+$/i'$uri)) {
            if ($request->getUri()->getSegment(1) === 'api') {
                return Services::response()->setStatusCode(404);

            return redirect()->to('/page-404');

in App/Config/Filters
PHP Code:
public array $globals = [
        'before' => [
            // 'honeypot',
            // 'csrf',
            // 'invalidchars',
        'after'  => [
            // 'honeypot',
            // 'secureheaders',

The code of my filter is shown below. How to solve this problem correctly without violating the logic of the framework?

Not sure what your trying to do here, but the permitted chars are checked for in the Router.php file.


Look at the __constructor.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

(07-13-2024, 03:20 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: Not sure what your trying to do here, but the permitted chars are checked for in the Router.php file.


Look at the __constructor.

I'm trying to catch forbidden characters in the URL (for example mysite.com/привет ) and issue a 404 page , or if there was an api request , then the 404 header

First, allow all characters in the URL.
To be added to .env

Сначала разрешите все символы в URL
В .env добавить 
app.permittedURIChars = 
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