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Creating SMS OTP Using Shield
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2024, 07:22 PM by vishwajithkeshan2.)

I'm trying to build a function to send SMS for two-factor authentication (2FA) instead of using email for 2FA. However, I got stuck trying to override the existing authentication handler function, which creates a 6-digit code and sends it to the user's email address. I want to create a new function to replace that. I'm using CI4 + Shield

(This post was last modified: 11-14-2024, 03:08 AM by captain-sensible.)

i create a random 5  numbers , which i  leverage to show images for captcha like this:

    public function login()
        //        session_start();
        $session = \Config\Services::session();
        $myarray = array( chr(rand(48,57)) , chr(rand(48,57)) , chr(rand(48,57)) , chr(rand(48,57)) , chr(rand(48,57)));
        $_SESSION['captcha']= $myarray;            
                $data = [
                'title'  => 'login  page',

        echo view('usrLogin',$data);

i then check to see if what was show to prospective admin logging in like this:

public function credentials()

    $session = \Config\Services::session();
    $theArray= $_SESSION['captcha'];
    $this->actualCaptcha= implode("",$theArray);
$this->captcha= $this->request->getVar('captcha');
// if above two lines equate to same thing then captcha entered correctly

not exactly what you want but maybe give you an approach based on producing a number then checking
CMS CI4 A CMS system, runs out of the box written on top of CI4
Arch Book  CodeIgniter4 on Apache(pages 92-114) 

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