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paniation help

[eluser]Programming Life[/eluser]
Please tell me how i use pagination in short paging to get 20 records per page
what i have done is all shown below config , model , controller , n actuall page
all code is below
thanks if any help is replies

pagination.php config file
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/working/CodeIgniter_1.6.3/index.php/Admin/users/';
$config['total_rows'] = '300';
$config['per_page'] = '20';

controller 'Admin' have function
function users() {
        $data['userdata']    = $this->Madmin->getAllUsers();        
        $data['usersStatus'] = $this->Madmin->getAllUsersStatus();

        $data['title']='Users Lists';
        $data['heading']='Users List ';

view name is : users
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title><?php echo $title;?></title>

<?php    $data_ADD = array( 'src'  => 'asset/newobject.gif' ,'title'=>'Add User' , 'border' => '0');?>
<?php    $data1 = array( 'src'  => 'asset/non.gif' ,'title'=>'Delete User' , 'border' => '0');?>
<?php    $data_EDIT = array( 'src'  => 'asset/edit.gif', 'title'=>'Edit User' , 'border' => '0');?>

<?php echo $this->load->view('admin/header'); ?>

&lt;?php echo br().'<hr>'; ?&gt;
echo anchor('User/register',img($data_ADD).'Add New'); echo br();
echo 'Total registered Users ::&nbsp; '.$this->db->count_all('register');
echo br();

if( empty($userdata) ) { //if no recored found
echo $msg = 'No Recored Found';

}else {
$this->table->add_row('<b>ID', '<b>NAME' , '<b>COUNTRY', '<b>EMAIL','<b>Status','<b>Actions');
//$this->table->add_row(  anchor('User/register',img($data_ADD)) );

foreach($userdata as $records) {
        $color = ($num%2==0)? '#00CCCC': '#00CCCC';
echo '<p style=background-color:'.$color.'>';

    $status = ( $usersStatus[$statusCount]=='yes')? 'Active' :'InActive';
    $this->table->add_row( $records['id'] , $records['name'] , $records['country'] , $records['email'] , $status ,anchor('Admin/delete/'.$records['id'].'',img($data1)) , anchor('Admin/editUser/'.$records['id'],img($data_EDIT)) );            

echo '</p>';
echo $this->table->generate();

}//if end

echo $this->pagination->create_links();

And the model i have is this => 'Madmin'
function getAllUsers() {
        $dbData = array();
        $query = $this->db->get('register');        
        foreach( $query->result_array() as $records ) {
          $dbData[] = $records;
        return $dbData;
    function getAllUsersStatus() {
        $dbData = array();
        $query = $this->db->get('login');
        foreach( $query->result_array() as $records ) {
          $dbData[] = $records;
        return $dbData;

[eluser]Chris Newton[/eluser]
Something like this:

function users() {

    $offset = $this->uri->segment(6); //whichever segment has the pagination data
    $data['userdata'] = $this->Madmin->get('20',$offset);  
    //$config['uri_segment'] = 6; // only needed if you're manually putting your pagination somewhere specific in the URI string.
    $config['base_url'] =  'http://localhost/working/CodeIgniter_1.6.3/index.php/Admin/users/';
    $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all('register');
    $config['per_page'] = '20';
    // .... add other pagination config options.

    $data['pagination'] =  $this->pagination->create_links();

    $data['title']='Users Lists';
    $data['heading']='Users List ';

// IN THE VIEW, ADD THIS: echo $pagination;

function get($limit,$offset)
    $dbData = array();
    $query = $this->db->get('register',$limit,$offset);

    foreach( $query->result_array() as $records )
      $dbData[] = $records;
    return $dbData;

Basically the pagination just formats and creates links with numbers added to the end. You need to take those numbers and pull the appropriate data from your database.

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