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Getting "application" folder out of "system"


I took "application" folder out of "system". Should I make any file changes?

Please advise.

You will need to update the application path variable in index.php to reflect the changes

Thanks for the quick reply but it's already like this:

$application_folder = "application";

What should I change?

It's relative to the system directory, so I think it needs to be:

$application_folder = "../application";

The "problem" is both are working perfectly ($application_folder = "application"; & $application_folder = "../application"Wink but I'm afraid of server compatibility issues.

What do you mean?

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
It's perfectly normal if you try to put the application folder out of the system folder. I believe there won't be server compatibility issues.

[quote author="TheFuzzy0ne" date="1243229232"]What do you mean?[/quote]

What he's saying is.. is that its not relative to the system folder. In another installation I had. I removed application from system and renamed it app, and renamed system to ci. I went to index.php and just updated the names, I didn't change path to show that the app folder wasn't in the system folder. You dont have to put ../ in from of it.

[eluser]Thorpe Obazee[/eluser]
[quote author="jdfwarrior" date="1243244937"]
What he's saying is.. is that its not relative to the system folder. In another installation I had. I removed application from system and renamed it app, and renamed system to ci. I went to index.php and just updated the names, I didn't change path to show that the app folder wasn't in the system folder. You dont have to put ../ in from of it.[/quote]

I think Fuzzy was asking about what the guy means by 'compatibility issues' in the previous post.

[quote author="bargainph" date="1243245419"]I think Fuzzy was asking about what the guy means by 'compatibility issues' in the previous post.[/quote]

That's exactly what I meant. Smile

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