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Changing the default behavior of my application via URI routing

Good evening,

I'm having troubles getting to understand CI routing.

My intranet application will have at its heart the group, which is represented by a lowercased string, and everything will happen inside the very group (every controller will need this variable to know which group they are dealing with).

As a matter of fact, my urls have to look like the following :

I tried to pass the group name variable through MY_Controller constructor, but from this I didn't find a way to make it work.

At first I was thinking of using the session class to set userdata('current_group_id ') but I think my code will turn out to be a mess, and urls won't be as meaningful as they would with routing...

I hope someone who had the same kind of concern will read this post and try to help me Smile

Kind regards,

One option - whether it works well for your application I don't know, based on the code - is to set up a generic route that will send you to a URL with the group name excluded (Eg: example.com/groupname/controller/function would go to example.com/controller/function), and then you'd just need to pull the first URI segment and fit it into your code.

Hello Aken, I actually need my urls to have the format http://example.com/groupname/controller/action, but I don't know how to achieve this at all. Do you know how I could do that?

I'm not 100% sure if this is what you're after, but if i've understood your question, then first you'll need to create a route that redirects url's from this:

groupname/controller/action TO controller/action. The route would look like this:

$route['groupname/(:any)/(:any)'] = '$1/$2';

Then you can access these segments using the uri helper. For example to get the controller part of the uri use:


I hope that's what you were after

Can't I keep the groupname in the url, and push controller/action after it? What you suggest seems to work, but I actually would like the group name to be permanently in the url, as if a whole application was built for it. Do you see now? Sorry my first post must have been confusing... My english is not very good...

Hello again,

I've read this Phil Sturgeon post, and it was enlightening.

Now I get how CI routing works, it's actually fairly simple, just like the rest of the framework. Thank you for trying to help me out Smile

Actually, the solution I come up with is not the most convenient because I have to remap every single controller/action...

See my config/routes.php to get what I mean (the application doesn't have many controllers yet):
$route['default_controller'] = "home";
$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";

$route[':any/group'] = "group/index/$1/";
$route[':any/group/something/:any'] = "group/something/$2";
$route[':any/home'] = "home";
$route[':any/home/:any'] = "home/somemethod/$2";

I'm posting this because I think maybe someone has a better idea than this... I got to double check before I engage my code in this path...

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