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Need Help ..

Hey i am a new to codeigniter and i dont understand about folder redirection like module management and i have admin section and client section. How can i manage it...

Have you read the CI userguide? Here : http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/toc.html

I have read it ... but little bit confused bcoz i am a very new to codeigniter. ok here is my pattern : root folder->
...other public files
js folder
css folder
-> same pattern goes for admin

Manage your apps in CI on User Guide

thanks for your support but can u go little far from the documentation. Please tell me how you will do that

Suppose i have to build some app with separated back-end app, i'll have a cascade directory like..
-application    -> main_app    -> config
                               -> controllers
                               -> errors
                               -> libraries
                               -> models
                               -> views
                -> backend_app -> config
                               -> controllers
                               -> errors
                               -> libraries
                               -> models
                               -> views
-assets         -> css
                -> img
                -> js
-system [which holds CodeIgniter core]
-index.php [which holds main app]
-admin.php [which holds back-end app]
-.htaccess [which contain mod_rewrite rules]

Thanks and i understand the concept . Ok i have another question. If i have the following file structure
application -> main_app -> config
-> controllers
-> errors
-> libraries
-> models
-> views

-assets -> css
-> img
-> js
Which one is simple and best . Can you suggest me

You could also look into using modules and only one app!

Like HMVC in the WIKI.


Can you please elaborate ???

What InsiteFX mention above is create a module (you can assume modules as mini-application) to handle the back-end stuff, so you only have one app structure. It will depend on your need and your application scale, to decide are you make it into module or build it as separated app!

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