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Sessions not working

I implemented a flash upload form in one of my controllers and whenever it runs it destroys all my sessions, but they seem to be re-stored after the controller done executing.

This is not all the code, but I think this is where the problem is occuring.

if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post' && !empty($_POST))
            //restore session code begin. if you don't use session or cookie just ignor below code section.
            if( isset($_POST['browser_cookie']) && $_POST['browser_cookie'] != "")
                //retrive cookie from form field value. The EAFlashUpload sends the cookie as a value of form field due to Flash API limitations.
                $cookie = split(";", $_POST['browser_cookie']);
                foreach($cookie as $value)
                    $nvpair = split("=", $value);    
                    $parsedcookie[trim($nvpair[0])] = $nvpair[1];
                $_COOKIE = $parsedcookie;
            //restore session code end
            //!!! If you don't use session or cookie then delete above code. !!!//
            if ( !empty($_FILES) )
                //existing folder on the server for files storing with write access
                $uploaddir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])."/UploadedFiles/";
                // define encoding for path names
                $codepage = "ISO-8859-1";
                //check file existence in the request
                $file = $_FILES["Filedata"];
                //check on upload errors
                if ( $file['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK )
                    switch( $file['error'] )
                        case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
                            echo "<eaferror>The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.</eaferror>";
                        case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                            echo "<eaferror>Uploader didn't allow such file size</eaferror>";
                        case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                            echo "<eaferror>Uploaded file hasn't been complete uploaded</eaferror>";
                        case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
                            echo "<eaferror>File hasn't been uploaded</eaferror>";
                //Use this code if the existing files might be rewritten.
                //$uploadfile = $uploaddir . mb_convert_encoding( basename($file['name']), $codepage , 'UTF-8' );
                //define a full file path
                if (extension_loaded('mbstring'))
                    $fileName = $uploaddir . mb_convert_encoding( basename($file['name']), $codepage , 'UTF-8' );
                else if (extension_loaded('iconv'))
                    $fileName = $uploaddir . iconv("UTF-8", $codepage, basename($file['name']));
                    echo "<eaferror>Please enable mbstring extension or iconv extension in your php.ini file.</eaferror>";    
                // check on duplicate file names and if there is a file with the same name add "_(<counter>)" at the end of the name of the new file
                $uniqueFileName = $fileName;
                for($k = 1; $k < 50; $k++)
                        $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName);
                        $uniqueFileName = sprintf("%s/%s_(%s).%s", $pathInfo['dirname'], $pathInfo['filename'], $k, $pathInfo['extension']);

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