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How do i Pass in Multiple values into the database from one input filed in CI

hi im a newbie in CI.

i have a drop-down list which pulls from values from my database table.
table_name='state' have columns- id and branch_name.

Drop down list looks like this:
<select name="branch" >
if (isset($state_array)) {
foreach ($state_array as $row) {
<option value="&lt;?php echo $row-&gt;id; ?&gt;">&lt;?php echo $row->branch_name; ?&gt;</option>
The above code gives a list of all the states in my database.

Now, i have a second table assign_task
which have columns = id, task_code, branch_name.

when a user submits a value from the select drop down, it only updates the id column while the branch_name is not populated.
I want the two columns, id and branch id in the assign_task table to be populated with their values once a user submits a value from the list. Does anyone know how i can get around this?

I think you'll need to show us your controller and model code so we can see what you are trying to do.

Are you trying to add a row to the assign_task table, state table or both?
In CI you can add rows to your database table using the insert method in the active record class:


You can fill value att with bith values, like: $id|$branch. So you can explode string tou insert into db.

Also, I think that you should use form helpers, is more easy.


See: form_dropdown()

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