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TinyMCE IMage uploader

I've got tinymcs working with all textarea and the browse for an image which is fine and uploads to a folder in my root called uploaded.

So when you add the image in the textarea it show but when calling from the database to the view file the image is missing,, I then have to go into the html in textatrea and add "../" to the front of the image, is there a workaround for this or have I missed something?

Help greatly appreciated.

[eluser]daniel ispas[/eluser]
Tiny MCE has a config.php file where you can set some paths, like the path to the pictures directory and if you want the image to be loaded using http://mysite... or using a relative path. I prefer using the http way as it will allways display the image.
Hope this helps.

Its using a relative path, and i;ve sorted it by doing another function to add in extra ../ in front of the image, so all working fine now, but thanks anyhow!

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