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Override sess_expiration outside config file?

I want to be able to set the session expiration default in the config.php file (say 2 hours) but be able to override the session expiration if someone checks "remember me" on the login form.

Although when I run $this->config->set_item('sess_expiration', 64000); it will not override the $config['sess_expiration'] in the config file. How can I get around this?

Thank you

[eluser]Pedro Luz[/eluser]
try commenting and then testing Tongue

//$config['sess_expiration']= 7200;

Big Grin

isset(rememberMe) ? $this->config->set_item(‘sess_expiration’, 64000) : $this->config->set_item(‘sess_expiration’, 7200)

dont know if works Tongue

For a remember me you need to create a cookie and send it to the user client.

The cookie will have the expiration time set in it.

Otherwise if setting the config item it will overide everyone!


In doing this would it only override the current session, or would it use 0 until it is reset somewhere in the code back to 7200?

If you set it to 0 CI will set the session to expire 2 years from now for all sessions.

I set the session to expire on browser close, when user logs in I check to see if they
have a Remember Me cookie if so I read the cookie and retrive the hash code and
compare with the hash code in the users table.

If they match I auto log the user back into the system.

The only item stored in the Remember Me cookie is the hash code, Which
I salt an random identifier with SHA-512 using the CI config encrpytion_key


After you check the DB for that hash and it returns true...would you create a session with the user's id, or anything like that?

You would create everything just like you were logging in the user without a Remember Me cookie.

I usually place this code in the constructor of a MY_Controller

A note about php5 and cookies, do not output anything to the screen before
writing a cookie it will fail to write it.

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