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administrative area

Good morning,
I am new to the forum. Always programmed in Joomla, but appeared to me the opportunity to do a complex job online. eg. (Catho). To develop in Joomla Spend much time crafting components and adapting codes to use the core joomla.

I need to create an administrative area, and learned from a developer who has long worked with codeigniter that to make the administration will have many complications.

I want to hear from you on this subject.
What advantages and disadvantages in using the framework will have a system that has integrated administrative area?

From what I read the documentation, I can create folders to differentiate the admin frontend. example:

folder: controller> admin / [code]
folder:model > admin / [code]
folder:folder view> template / admin / [code]

Please, someone understood what I posted?
My English is very rusty.


The benefits are you can do whatever you want or have to when building admin area. Lets say website you are building deals with events, but each event has some weird attribute that is required, but popular plug-ins for lets say Joomla do not offer.

So if your site requires something, it's relatively easy to build it, because all the code is yours so you know exactly what implications this new feature will have and if it might break something else.

The down side is, you have to do whatever you want yourself. It's not hard with CodeIgniter, but depending on the size of the project you might be spending some time to write your own admin functionality.

The way I see it, CodeIgniter gives you very basic stuff, and if you want to, you can build your own custom admin area that is easy to apply to any of your future projects. I prefer it like this, I'm not bound to use someone elses admin area and say to client - look, this is what we have, and that's that. I can implement my own UI to make it better for end user.

Thank you!

I feel more relieved at his response.

[quote author="androide" date="1371040056"]I feel more relieved at his response.[/quote]

Happy to help Tongue

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