unable to send javascript variable to controller |
These are the options available in t_plan table
id plan_name -- --------- 4 - free 5 - Gold 6 - Silver 7 - Platinum etc My object is to as user click on an option in the form it will populate the following input boxes next to select box from the data of t_plan table. So i store the id of plan in a hidden inputbox and send that value to controller so that it can fetch the corrosponing data from the t_plan table and populate the following. PLAN-PRICE RESUME-LIMIT DAY-LIMIT JOB-LIMIT NO-OF-USER-ALLOW Here is my code(in view) ------------------------ <script> $(document).ready(function(){ //PLAN GOLD, BRONZE, SILVER etc $('#plan2_list').change(function(){ $('#plan2_id').val($("#plan2_list option:selected").val()); var zplan = $('#plan2_id').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo base_url();?>super_admin/get_plan_value_by_id/+zplan", data: {"zplan": zplan}, success: function(data) { //alert("SUCCESS"); //print_r($result); alert(data.zplan); }, error: function(e) { alert("ERROR"); } }); }); }); </script> zplan display the correct data which i am sending to my controller: My Controller ============= public function get_plan_value_by_id($zplan){ $data=array(); alert(data.email); = $this->sa_model->select_plan_by_id(zplan); echo alert(data.email); $data['admin_maincontent'] = $this->load->view('admin/add_employer_form',$data,TRUE); $this->load->view('admin/admin_master',$data); } My Modal ============= public function select_plan_by_id($zplan){ $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('t_plan'); $this->db->where('plan_id',$zplan); $query_result=$this->db->get(); $result = $query_result->row(); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($result); //exit(); return $result; } But it say "undefined" or give "error" The attached form image will clear what i want. Please help
Your Ajax call is a bit extraneous when passing zplan as you have it in the URL and as a query parameter. I suggest picking one.
My legitimate suggestion is to study up on Javascript and PHP. You are clearly mixing the two in get_plan_value_by_id(). Once you remove the Javascript from your PHP function and assuming your query works correctly, you will have to return (echo/print in this case) a JSON object (do not load any views). An easy way is to use the built in PHP function json_encode().
Your problem is here:
url: "<?php echo base_url();?>super_admin/get_plan_value_by_id/+zplan" Should be something like : url: "<?php echo base_url();?>super_admin/get_plan_value_by_id/" + zplan
I have got this json array from controller {"plan_id":"7","plan_title":"GOLD","plan_price":"999","resume_limit":"12000","day_limit":"364","job_limit":"20","user":"1","day_break":"0"} Now i want to display the values in the forms input I try this but it does not display the plan_price (999) in the input field document.getElementById("plan_price").value = data.plan_price; Please help |
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