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Displaying results from a Left Join

[eluser]Chris Williams[/eluser]
I'm trying to get this query to display.

$this->db->join('z_checklist_items', 'table_a.id = table_b.table_a_id', 'left');
$query = $this->db->get();
$this->load->view('reports_view', $query);

I'm using this in the view file:
<?php foreach ($query->result() as $row): ?>

    <li>&lt;?=$row->entity_id?&gt; | &lt;?=$row->checklist_item_id?&gt;</li>

&lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;

But I'm getting this error: Message: Undefined variable: query

What am I missing?

$this->load->view('reports_view', array('query'=>$query));

load view expects an associative array and the keys get broken down into variables.

[eluser]Chris Williams[/eluser]
That worked great! Thanks!

no probs! quite a lot of people get stuck or miss an obvious mistake when passing parameters to the view.

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