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Halogy | Free Hosted CMS with loads of modules

[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
Good feedback, i'll pass it on to the design team.

[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
As this has become a discussion on the brand (which is valid btw) please could everyone consider looking at our proposed brand guidelines to understand the concept behind the logo:

It might shed light on why things have been done the way they are.


Regarding the CMS and the BETA testing - thanks for the sign ups so far.

Looks interesting - just signed up...

I would be very interested to know how you guys plan to scale the thing as your user base grows...

Any chance of open sourcing it ;-)

Btw, the subscription email starts with 'Dear N/A' which you might want to change.

Good luck!

[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
Hi eoinmcg

Yeah it says N/A because the name isn't posted in the form, just the email. We could put some PHP code in to check it tho you're right.

Scaling? Dedicated servers and lots of storage :-)

Email me if you have any recommendations.

Regarding open source, maybe one day :-)

Will Halogy be available for download?

[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
Hey sshz, not in the immediate future - it's a hosted free CMS that has a lot of control over templates, content, drafts, users and so on. Therefore unless the developer wanted to hack away at the code, there is not much need for it to be downloaded.

At some point it might either be made open-source, or may be offered as a download for the Core version. But not for a while.

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[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
That's Issue's problem - not sure why that's happening sorry. Probably because it's in Flash.

Thanks everyone for the sign ups so far. We'll let you know when you can have your accounts, we just need to design a couple of 'starter' themes or everyone will be working in plain HTML!

[eluser]Stu Green[/eluser]
Just a note to say we've put more documentation together for the Wiki. Also are screencasts (video tutorials).


The private beta will begin this summer.

[quote author="haloweb" date="1241615211"]As this has become a discussion on the brand (which is valid btw) please could everyone consider looking at our proposed brand guidelines to understand the concept behind the logo:

It might shed light on why things have been done the way they are.


Regarding the CMS and the BETA testing - thanks for the sign ups so far.[/quote]

That was a very interesting document indeed! It must be pretty annoying that everyone is focusing on the design rather than the system. Unfortunately that is just the way the world works. What i particularly hate is people saying they dislike something you've designed before it is finished. That really gets on my wick. However, i have to agree with the clarity of the logo, if you had it on it's own, i don't think a lot of people would be able to know what the word is. If you had that logo AND the word halogy underneath or something in clear text then it would be fine and wouldn't matter.

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