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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11

[eluser]minimal design[/eluser]
Quick little bug report:

if you order a list of entries by date (a date field in the DB) using the column header, it will order the date alphabetically instead of chronologically, something like that:

April 3, 2007
April 8, 2007
December 20, 2006
December 4, 2006
December 5, 2007

[eluser]minimal design[/eluser]
[quote author="tylderdurden" date="1209464855"][quote author="jTaby" date="1209461845"]you can create your own plugin (or just modify the TextArea plugin...which I am assuming you're using) to override the prepForDb function.. The prepForDb function filters away all HTML to prevent XSS attacks.[/quote]

I have this in my plugin class

function prepForDB($value){
        return $value;
Doesnt seem to work though?[/quote]

I'm running into a similar problem... And I think half of it is actually a bug. I'm trying to post something with code sample via a textarea and the HTML is converted to entities on insert so when I type this in text area:

<!--[if IE 6]>
        <link href="ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

It is stored in the DB as (i added spaces here so that the forum doesn't parse it...):

& l t;!--[if IE 6]>
  & l t;link href="ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /&gt;
<![endif]--& g t;

That's half of my problem (I'm using Markdown and I don't want any conversion on insert...). The second half (the bug part) is that when you want to view the post in the admin, nothing shows up after:

&lt;!--[if IE 6]>
  &lt;link href="ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /&gt;

The content after that IS in the DB, but it doesn't show up in codex' textarea field. I could workaround that for now by modifying getHTML() from


to just:


But I can't seem to figure out how to remove the conversion happening on insert. Nothing is happening in here:

function prepForDB($value){
        return $value;

So, I was wondering if anyone knows where else I should be looking besides the plugin. I looked around quite a bit but couldn't figure it out.


[eluser]Leonard Yulianus[/eluser]
any one using CodeExtinguisher in real-world production?

[eluser]minimal design[/eluser]
[quote author="Psychonax" date="1209583200"]any one using CodeExtinguisher in real-world production?[/quote]

When I can figure out the answer to my question above, I will Smile

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
minimal design, there are rough, incomplete docs at codeextinguisher.pbwiki.com. Take a read through what's been written so far if you would like.

There are two functions which are of interest to you: prepForDb, and prepForDisplay. Do the same thing for prepForDisplay that you did for prepForDb.

function prepForDb($value){ return $value; }
function prepForDisplay($value){ return $value; }

Psychonax, I know of three websites and an application which use codeextinguisher Smile

[eluser]Leonard Yulianus[/eluser]
i see the potential of using this libraries, cutting down development times which mainly focus on coding CRUD.

what's the difference of CodeExtinguisher and Rabbit-Form?

[eluser]minimal design[/eluser]
[quote author="jTaby" date="1209587203"]minimal design, there are rough, incomplete docs at codeextinguisher.pbwiki.com. Take a read through what's been written so far if you would like.

There are two functions which are of interest to you: prepForDb, and prepForDisplay. Do the same thing for prepForDisplay that you did for prepForDb.

function prepForDb($value){ return $value; }
function prepForDisplay($value){ return $value; }

Yeah, the problem is they're already setup that way, but there's still some conversion going on... Not sure where it's happening, but it's not overriden by those two functions for some reason... as always, thanks for your feedback!

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Without trying to be derogatory, rabbit-forms is based on codeextinguisher. They have the same design and work flow, but according to rabbit forms' developer, rabbit forms has more tools for the frontend, while codeextinguisher focuses on generic CRUD generation which could be used either as a backend, or to provide CRUDS to your users.

With that said, I plan on releasing modules based on CodeExtinguisher such as Events, Poll, Contact Form (probably using HMVC)

Finally, CodeExtinguisher supports php4 while Rabbit Forms is php5 only.

[eluser]Leonard Yulianus[/eluser]
[quote author="jTaby" date="1209597836"]Without trying to be derogatory, rabbit-forms is based on codeextinguisher. They have the same design and work flow, but according to rabbit forms' developer, rabbit forms has more tools for the frontend, while codeextinguisher focuses on generic CRUD generation which could be used either as a backend, or to provide CRUDS to your users.

With that said, I plan on releasing modules based on CodeExtinguisher such as Events, Poll, Contact Form (probably using HMVC)

Finally, CodeExtinguisher supports php4 while Rabbit Forms is php5 only.[/quote]
ohh, thanks for the explanation.

i'm currently downloading your screencast, but i think it's broken.

fortunately you didn't secure direct directory access (oops!), i am downloadng .m4v one.
does the screencast on http://codeextinguisher.com/screencasts/old/ still relevant for the current release?

can't wait for the stable 2.0 version.


[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
I actually didn't secure directory access on purpose...I use the server as a file dump

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