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PyroCMS v0.9.9

yeah, i went with the wiredesignz one because between Yorick's and Wiredesignz, Wiredesignz was a far sight easier to make work and plug into the theme file. Yorick's required complicated things such as json as well as a DB table and crazy installation methods to make the whole thing work.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Most of what Yorick did sucked horrendously but those things are important.

Widgets need to be downloadable and usable in the database so simply calling it up with the parameters is not enough.

- The JSON means the widget can be uploaded, recognized and potentially used.

- Install method means the SQL can be inserted making the Widget available.

- Database table allows the information to be used by the joining widget_instance table.

I'll cut out the JSON step and make the SQL install part of the Widget library. The name, title, version, description etc will all be stored as properties of each widget class then sent to the install SQL using Reflection.

That means we just need a list of "Available widgets" and "Uninstalled Widgets". A simple click on the "Uninstalled Widgets" list will enable then by running the install SQL and Bob's your uncle, the Widget is in the widget table and available to be used in whatever widget_area.

Does that all make sense or is it nonsensical ranting?

i actually like that idea.

the json file for each widget was a bit silly, i mean, just set some variables up in the widget files class and send that across during install, reduces the number of files you have to maintain for a particular widget.

if the widget system could work almost like the modules system, ie. you put the widget into a specific folder, then go to the widget_admin page and it is auto listed available for install or uninstall (or configure if it requires it) then that would be super awesome.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Hmm, widgety progress. :-)

Just working on the backend interface for it. Drag / Drop MADNESS.

Hey how can I load a model from another module ... and how can I load one from the third_party modules folder

it used to me module_model('module','file_m'); so whats the equivalent to it in the Modular Separation format

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1267568965"]Hmm, widgety progress. :-)

Just working on the backend interface for it. Drag / Drop MADNESS.[/quote]

cute Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]

It seems that it works only on the core modules but not the modules in the third party module folder

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
It doesn't differenciate between the two. Works fine for me ;-)

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