(06-02-2016, 06:51 AM)nkhan Wrote: I have complete a project In CI 3.0.6 , which is works fine in localhost. but when i uploaded it in subdoamin i am getting
The demo.xyz.com page isn’t working
demo.xyz.com is currently unable to handle this request.
PHP Code:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Frontend extends Frontend_Controller {
public function __construct ()
PHP Code:
class Banner_M extends MY_Model
protected $_table_name = 'banners';
protected $_order_by = 'id desc';
public function get_new ()
$banner = new stdClass();
$banner->title = '';
$banner->slug = '';
$banner->target_url = '';
$banner->banner_img = '';
$banner->status= '';
$banner->display_order= '';
return $banner;
As i am debugging i got a point that is the banner model ($this->load->model('Banner_m')) loaded in Frontend Controller.
I'd say you need index method or any other method to route request.
Next, your constructor method is not closed by curly bracket.
Third, `Banner_m !== Banner_M`.
Advice would be to use ucfirst name for files/classes i.e. `Banner_m`.