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Codeigniter 4 SimpleAuth library

During lockdown I've been working on a few projects that required an Auth system for Codeigniter 4.

Although there are other libraries out there like IonAuth or Myth/Auth and they are great sometimes i just need something a little bit simpler, light weight and easily customisable so i created SimpleAuth

Take a look at https://github.com/GeekLabsUK/SimpleAuth

Features at a glance :

  • User Registration

  • User Login

  • User Forgot Password

  • User Edit Profile

  • Remember Me (Optional)

  • Activate Account Emails (Optional)

  • Lock Screen (Optional)

  • Role Management

  • Auto Role Redirecting / Routing

  • Debug Bar Addon (Optional)

  • Basic Bootstrap Starter Template
I've built this out in the past 3 - 4 days and still has lots of additional features I'm planning on adding. The idea was to create something that can be easily reused on many different projects and is easily customisable.

Looking to get a bit of feedback, have a few people run some tests see if you can spot any bugs etc

I haven't set up a composer install for it yet so will be manually installed.

Look forward to your feedback.

This is similar in functionality to my projectWink

(11-18-2020, 04:41 AM)denis303 Wrote: This is similar in functionality to my projectWink

Hi denis303

i will take a look. feel free to fork the project. we may have some functionality that can be crossed over between projects

Looks very interesing!! Great work!
I may need something like this for my little running CI4 project, soon...
Thank you for sharing. Looking forward!

It would be great to have AdminLTE as the admin Dashboard, as in Boilerplate ( https://forum.codeigniter.com/thread-75943.html )

(This post was last modified: 11-20-2020, 10:21 AM by Geeklabs.)

(11-20-2020, 09:38 AM)FlavioSuar Wrote: It would be great to have AdminLTE as the admin Dashboard, as in Boilerplate ( https://forum.codeigniter.com/thread-75943.html )

I actually have my own admin template that I'm integrating it with now. Continuing the theme its called SimpleAdmin.

Its basically a simple but clean admin UI, not overloaded with JavaScript charts, copy and pasted bootstrap elements etc. Its based on bootstrap so any of those normal elements all work i just don't want them in as examples, This is intended to be a starter admin panel to build your projects out.

There will be 2 flavours a normal frontend / admin and a saas version frontend / admin / superadmin

It should be ready in a couple of days. Its actually going to get put up on codecanyon as i will be building loads of additional modules that can be added to easily build out a project.

I will put it up on here for free for a week before it goes live on codecanyon to get some feedback

here's a screen shot :

[Image: simpleadmin1.png]

Looks very good!
Great if we can have it for free!! :-)
Maybe you would like to take a look at the halfmoon project, a simple framework for building dashboards and tools... I like it!


(11-20-2020, 01:12 PM)FlavioSuar Wrote: Looks very good!
Great if we can have it for free!! :-)
Maybe you would like to take a look at the halfmoon project, a simple framework for building dashboards and tools... I like it!


Wow. Just spent an hour looking through the docs. Looks interesting. Going to have a play with this today.

Thanks for sharing! I will make the same recommendation I made to denis303: check out the CodeIgniter docs on Authentication:

While the framework intentionally does not include authentication/authorization it does offer some guidelines on how to make sure your Auth library uses some standards for everyone to build on.

Hi, again!

It would be great to have social auth (Google and Facebook, at least) too!! :-)

Thank you!!

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