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To All New User's READ THIS!

When posting a forum topic please do not use cut copy and paste it makes it un-readable and users will not read it.
If you must copy some thing first paste it into your note editor like Windows note pad then copy and paste it, it will
then remove all the formatting characters.

Thank you
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Yes please! This is becoming ridiculous...

You can also click on Preview Post to see if it is correctly formatted. Then click Post Reply if everything is readable.

Another trick, you can switch the editor between 2 modes. By default it's in "visual" mode, but if you click on the last icon on the right (the white page icon), you will be in "source" mode. There you can paste your text and it will be like in a Windows Notepad, it won't copy the formatting style. You can easily remove any unwanted formatting tag.

Also, if your issue/problem is solved, please add "[SOLVED]" to the title of your thread. This will make it easier to see what issues have been resolved.  Thx

(07-16-2021, 05:18 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: When posting a forum topic please do not use cut copy and paste it makes it un-readable and users will not read it.

Most browsers have "pate not formatted" available if you right click or use CTRL + SHIFT + V (on Windows).

(07-16-2021, 06:55 AM)jreklund Wrote:
(07-16-2021, 05:18 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: When posting a forum topic please do not use cut copy and paste it makes it un-readable and users will not read it.

Most browsers have "pate not formatted" available if  you right click or use CTRL + SHIFT + V (on Windows).

The same function in Safari on macOS is Option + Shift + Command + v.

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