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$psr4 and namespace


I am trying to use the SVGGraph library from Goat1000 within CodeIgniter and I encountered a problem with the namespaces used by this library.
I use CI 4.4.7 and put the library inside the Libraries folder of my app under app/Libraries/Goat1000/SVGGraph
The SVGGraph library is namespaced and has per default at the beginning of each file the line:
namespace Goat1000\SVGGraph

So, to adapt it to my settings,  I added  the following element to the $psr4 array in the file app/Config/autoload.php
'Goat1000\\SVGGraph' => APPPATH . 'Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph'

However, I get the following error when I try to instantiate the first class (which is the class SVGGraph):
Class "App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph" not found
Clearly, the 'App' namespace doesn't get translated.

I can see that this is the problem, since if I change the namespace line into the SVGGraph Class and put explicitely
namespace App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph
it works and the class gets loaded.

Since the SVGGraph library contains over 170 files, I do not want to edit each file to change the namespace...
Therefore my questions:
Is this the intended way to use autoload.php? Since I never used namespaces until now I may have misunderstood its function.
Is there another way to achieve my goal, i.e. change the namespace for all classes/files?

Thank you in advance!!

Why don't you use Composer to install the library?
It configures autoloader automatically.

But your config in app/Config/autoload.php seems valid.
PHP Code:
'Goat1000\\SVGGraph' => APPPATH 'Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph' 

How do you call the libarary?

(03-31-2024, 06:50 PM)kenjis Wrote: Why don't you use Composer to install the library?
It configures autoloader automatically.

But your config in app/Config/autoload.php seems valid.
PHP Code:
'Goat1000\\SVGGraph' => APPPATH 'Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph' 

How do you call the libarary?

Thank you for your answer, Kenjis.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also tried to install the library with Composer, but it didn't make any change to the autoloader, at least I didn't see any change.

This is my controller with the method where I call the library (just the example given by the author):
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use CodeIgniter\Shield\Auth;
use App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph\autoloader;
use App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph;

class Catalogue extends BaseController {

public function makeGraph() {
$graph = new SVGGraph(640, 480);
$graph->values(100, 200, 150);
$graph->links('/Tom/', '/Dick/', '/Harry/');

(04-01-2024, 02:00 AM)PhilInLoco Wrote:
use App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph\autoloader;
use App\Libraries\Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph;

The namespace is incorrect.

use Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph;

The class "Goat1000\SVGGraph\autoloader" really exists?

Hi Kenjis,

As I controlled again everything this morning, after posting my reply, I noticed that I had changed something in the "use" list of my Controller. I changed it and now everything works!!!
I had problems with cache effects from Firefox yesterday and tried quite a lot of combinations, and it seems that in doing this I just remained stuck into the wrong combination...
Sorry about that.
Since I couldn't find any description on how to integrate SVGGraph into CodeIgniter, I'll post a short description as soon as I have tested everything. What is the best place to post it?

If you mean in this forums,

Ok, I'll do that
btw. you were right, the code you showed is exactly what I had changed. And yes, the class "Goat1000\SVGGraph\autoloader" really exists.
Thank you for your help!

PHP Code:
// namespace \ back slash            path / forward slash
'InsiteFX\Admin'        => ROOTPATH 'InsiteFX/Admin',          // InsiteFX/Admin Module 
What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?

Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

I am feeling embarrassed about what I just discovered: Actually it was the composer installation which was working, and the problems I described were caused by my wrong paths in the "use" lines. I said before that the composer installation didn't change anything because I didn't know it has its own autoload file.
Investigating a bit, I saw that Composer just maps all the classes in the file autoload_classmap and I suppose I could do the same in the autoload file from CI. This is not very smart, but it works.
I am old fashioned (started programming in 1974) and do not like tools like Composer which does things I do not control, but I suppose I'll have to live with it.
Thanks to both of you for your support and please accept my apologies for describing a non-existent problem.

(04-01-2024, 06:04 AM)PhilInLoco Wrote: Investigating a bit, I saw that Composer just maps all the classes in the file autoload_classmap and I suppose I could do the same in the autoload file from CI. This is not very smart, but it works.

The classmap in autoload_classmap is for optimization by Composer.
Because looking for files from the filesystem takes time.
It is configured in https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgni...r.json#L83

You can define classmap manually in the CI4 autoloader:
But if you use Composer, you don't need to use it.

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