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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Oren, I see, that could be a useful option...i'll add that for the next release.

The textbox plugin as a bug where it adds slashes each time you save when you have a ' character. It'd also break if you put in a double quote " in.

I added a stripslashes to deal with the slash issue and replaced " with its ascii code which seems to do the trick.

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class TextBox extends codexForms
    function TextBox($name,$params) {

    function prepForDB($value){
        return stripslashes($value);

    function getHTML()
        $html = $this->prefix;

            $html .= '<div class="failure">'.$this->getMessage($this->name).'</div>';

        $html .= '
            <label for="'.$this->element_name.'">
        $html .= '    &lt;input class="text" type="text" value="'.str_replace('"','"',$this-&gt;value).'" name="'.$this->element_name.'" '.$this->getAttributes($this->attributes).'>

        $html .= $this->suffix;
        return $html;


Why does the ManyToMany display the same row in the right or left column when I already have added it earlier (in a different request, image of reloaded page is attached)?
Is it any advantage of having the ability to have multiple relations between the same rows (seems pretty useless to me)?

Another thing I'd like to see is support for tabs in YAML files (are there any reason why not?).
Anyway, it seems like a very good backend (haven't got used to YAML, but I have decided to make a plugin for MPTtree (any help on that?)), I like it!

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
tylderdurden, thanks for the fix, i'll include it in the next release

m4rw3r, you are correct. I have totally revamped the UI for the many to many plugin and that needs to be fixed, thanks Smile

And as far as the tabs in the YAML files are concerned, it doesn't work because different systems and editors implement editors differently and the YAML parser doesn't support all of them. ( I'll try to find a fix)

I know that you have limited time, but if you could make some hints on how to extend the listing of rows in the database? I would like to implement a tree w. drag n drop for my MPTtree class that displays instead of the standard tree listning.

[quote author="jTaby" date="1207370592"]And as far as the tabs in the YAML files are concerned, it doesn't work because different systems and editors implement editors differently and the YAML parser doesn't support all of them. ( I'll try to find a fix)[/quote]
I don't know how hard it would be to pinpoint & extract from the monolith-that-is-Symfony, but the Symfony developers have dropped the Spyc parser in favor of their new home-made one... probably worth checking out, the symfony developers are smart folks with a passion for YAML.

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
What's happend with your SVN repository, I can't access it anymore?

hi .. i like working codex a lot - it saves me lots of time .. but im missing ability to have onetomany filed that i could attach images to...

it seems like not working with existing onetomany plugin. After inspecting image and original onetomany plugin it's clearly that this doesnt work .. so my question is ..

would be right way to write new onetomany_image plugin to have functionality that im lookin?

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
elitemedia, i'm looking into it
bl4z, if the image plugin isn't working in a OneToMany relationship, then that's a bug. What exactly isn't working?

Has the login changed since the initial post?

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