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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
the system uses a combination of query strings and regular CI style strings.

If you make you own controllers, then build your own links in the navigation.php file.
If you use the pre-written CRUD controller, then the link will be created for you.

First I have to say, this is amazing work. I'm excited about php again! Smile
But I'm having some problems:
This is probably something really obvious that I'm missing - bit of a newbie...

1) installed, and I get all kinds of "undefined variable i" everywhere. (in table_modes apparently, I will check it out, of course.)

2) when I test the search, I get 'Undefined offset: 15' every time. I'm getting these errors as well as the reuslts, so it's not complete failure.

3) just curious - the example page, and the screenies from other users have a slick looking blue, blk, and wht colour theme, but my install is all green at the top, and just basic formatting - which is all kind of messed up. So, I am obviously missing some files, but I've tried several versions, they all look the same. Can someone point me to where to ready about the theme stuff? I have clearly missed it in my searching about.

Here's my guess about the errors: My db is pretty much empty; if I had more records, I wouldn't get the undefined var error, and if I had more than 15 records I wouldn't get the undefined offset??
I haven't had enough sleep, so it that sounds daft, I have (sort of) an excuse Smile

Best regards;

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
yeah, if you have an old version. Download the newer version from this thread instead. Personally though, i'd say wait a few days, a new release is just about to come.

okay thank you!

Hello Jtaby: do you have an idea about the date of the release of a stable version 2? No hurry, obvious... thank you for your very best work... Ciao

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
abmcr, I really have a bunch of JS quirks to work out, but i'm close...i'm going to release a new release candidate when I work out these jquery issues, and based on that release, i'll see if some work still needs to be done before a final release...but IMO it's getting fairly stable.

[quote author="jTaby" date="1208816006"]abmcr, I really have a bunch of JS quirks to work out, but i'm close...i'm going to release a new release candidate when I work out these jquery issues, and based on that release, i'll see if some work still needs to be done before a final release...but IMO it's getting fairly stable.[/quote]
Thank you.... ;-)

--edited by post author-- --fixed...?--
Well, I got it working. I am sorry to have wasted the valuable time of anyone who may have looked into the issues I was having. It turns out that I was not setting up the CodeIgniter config stuff properly. Stupid me, I thought that one only needed to edit the Codex config files. So, I enabled query strings, and set the database info in the main application directory as well (instead of just in codex/application) and the template shows up now, and I get no strange errors. heh... never try and learn a PHP framework on 2.5 hours of sleep!! that's my advice to myself!
--end edit--

[quote author="jTaby" date="1208808561"]yeah, if you have an old version. Download the newer version from this thread instead. Personally though, i'd say wait a few days, a new release is just about to come.[/quote]


not sure if this was to me, or someone else. If to me, I have tried the 2.0 rc11, which is the one that I'm having the weirdness with.
But, even if it wasn't for me, I will still do what you suggest.

Just curious though, others don't seem to be having the same problems as me...

Well, I'll figure it out. If anyone knows what daft thing I've done to cause the errors, I sure would love some advice.

Cheers all

PS: jtaby - this really is amazing! I know I said it before, but the more I look into it, wow!

Hi Jtaby
A little mod that I have found useful on the existing form field plugins...
Added a param to yaml to append text after a field, e.g. field level help.
As an example, the dbdropdown plugin:
In the YAML for a db field called sort_order see the last param...

        class: DbDropDown
        label: Sort Order
            append: use this to assist sorting in the backend

and in the dropdown plugin (the parent of dbdropdown in this example case),
insert an if statement as shown below at the end of function getHTML
$html .= '</select>';
            $html .= $this->params['append'];
        $html .= $this->suffix;

Not sure if this was the best way to do it, but it works for me.

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
nmac, that could work, you could also wrap the helper text in a span and style it...although that won't make the text under the form element. I plan to make all the plugins use a codex_plugin.php view so that doing these kinds of things would be a lot easier.

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