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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11

Hi Jtaby,
I've actually moved on a little from my previous post, and
$this->append =     (isset($params['append']))? '<span class="help">'.$params['append'].'</span>' :'';

to the initiate function of codexforms.php

append is then available to all the form plugins.. when added before the suffix in getHTML.
$html .= $this->append;
        $html .= $this->suffix;



Hi Folks,
has anyone got one-to-many working with Codex?
From this thread it seems to be on the list of TO-DO's, but if anyone has had any luck getting it to work, It'd be a huge help.


An info: the svn where is? The svn://codeextinguisher.com:3690/codex is not found by my Tortoise.....

Thank you

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
I had the same problem, but I made it working by relocating the address to:

Thank you.... all work fine

[eluser]minimal design[/eluser]
Quick question: I deleted the "example" controller... which is setup as the default route out of the box. I had to redirect to "userregistration" controller in order to be able to access the admin after logging in. Is there a way to specify the first table in the DB as default after logging in or do I have to create a controller similar to the "example" one. Thanks!

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
in the current release, to setup default controller you have to set it up in routes.php and config.php..this has already been fixed, and will be rolled out with the soon-to-be-released RC12

When adding info to the database, it seems like &lt;object&gt; tags get stripped out (well, converted to html entities). How do I prevent that?

[eluser]Mahmoud M. Abdel-Fattah[/eluser]
I’m asking if there’s a short way to do unlimited sub_categories in CodeExtinguiser, in other way, I’ll have a table called ‘categories’ with 3 columns ‘cat_id, parent_id, name’ !

I made a custom plugin for this need, you can find it here :

hi! the manytomany plugin works very well. i'm making admin that needs 2 manytomany fields on the same page. the form elements are displayed, but the second one is not working.
how can i fix that? i know i should modify the js in the plugin, but i'm not a big js wizard...
can anyone help me? has anybody already solved this issue?

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