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PyroCMS v0.9.9

[eluser]Nurdin Bekkeldiev[/eluser]
I resolved this problem by changing my table to "sections"

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Quote:Naming Conventions

This class will try to guess the name of the table to use, by guessing the plural of the class name. If the table name isn't the plural and you need to set it to something else, just declare the $table instance variable and set it to the table name. Some of the CRUD functions also assume that your primary key ID column is called 'id'. You can overwrite this functionality by setting the _$primary_key_ instance variable.

[eluser]Nurdin Bekkeldiev[/eluser]
Now I such menus on the module

Universities (admin) controller
Sections (admin_section Controller Name and Controller Class) (section_m Model name)
Elements (admin_element Controller Name and Controller Class) (element_m Model name)

I want to make route for pagination for sections, elements and universities list

"career" is my folder of the module

SO how can I do this? I tried this one

$route['career/admin/element/(:num)?'] = 'admin_element/index/$3';

But it doesn't work, anything wrong on the routing?

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]

$route['career/admin/element/(:num)?'] = 'admin_element/index/$3';
$route['career/admin/element/(:num)?'] = 'admin_element/index/$1';

Im sorry Nurdin but I can't walk you through every step of this. These are issues with CodeIgniter and general publicly available and documented third-party libs. I really don't have time to support you at each step along the way.

Good luck!

[eluser]Nurdin Bekkeldiev[/eluser]
Thank you very much, I already revised Codeigniter and actually their routing is different, that's why I asked this question here. I tried the way you specified changing $3 to $1 but it doesn't work.

But thanks anyway. I'll try to do by myself.

[eluser]Isern Palaus[/eluser]
Hello Phil,

I'm trying to make a fashion portal with PyroCMS but I've some doubts. It will need some custom modules that I'll code myself when I've time but I've a basic one that I supposed that was supported.

This portal is an article-based portal. A main page showing the articles, with a little preview (that's supported), and I image. I can't attach an image from the default, and seems to me a basic one. I would like also to associate a article with a photo album, but this is more advanced. But the first one I suggest you to include it.

I've attached an image from the backend showed in Google Chrome, it's the only section that fails if I don't remember bad.

EDIT: Attach is over 150KB: http://i44.tinypic.com/15otkkn.png
EDIT2: Probably I explained bad, you can see that my English... I want to associate a image to the post to make a thumbnails to show with the post when we are on the main page.
EDIT3: Where is the SQL structure for pyrocms-extras? I can't find it. thanks in advance!
EDIT4: I removed the cache, an now I see the backend panel perfectly! Sorry for confusion!

Thank you for your work!!

[eluser]Nurdin Bekkeldiev[/eluser]
I have strange problem, I put login.php to the left side of the website and when click on register, on the center appears register form, login form exists on the left side. When I fill the register form and click on send, inputs on the login form filled up by the register form inputs and gives me an error that login is not correct. How to solve this problem?

Secondly, I use admin forms of my new module in the front panel of the website. When click on edit, edit form appears, when I click on save, edit form appears again without saving on db. What is the problem?

Waiting for reply.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="Isern Palaus" date="1271635415"]Hello Phil,

I'm trying to make a fashion portal with PyroCMS but I've some doubts. It will need some custom modules that I'll code myself when I've time but I've a basic one that I supposed that was supported.

This portal is an article-based portal. A main page showing the articles, with a little preview (that's supported), and I image. I can't attach an image from the default, and seems to me a basic one. I would like also to associate a article with a photo album, but this is more advanced. But the first one I suggest you to include it.

You can insert images using the Image Manager, but they will not show on the home page.

[quote author="Isern Palaus" date="1271635415"]
EDIT3: Where is the SQL structure for pyrocms-extras? I can't find it. thanks in advance!

Uploaded now. Remember these are old un-supported modules that I refuse to maintain, so if they are broken you will need to fix them. :-) They are also only compatible with v0.9.7 so you will need to upgrade them.

[eluser]Isern Palaus[/eluser]
[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1271688687"][quote author="Isern Palaus" date="1271635415"]Hello Phil,

I'm trying to make a fashion portal with PyroCMS but I've some doubts. It will need some custom modules that I'll code myself when I've time but I've a basic one that I supposed that was supported.

This portal is an article-based portal. A main page showing the articles, with a little preview (that's supported), and I image. I can't attach an image from the default, and seems to me a basic one. I would like also to associate a article with a photo album, but this is more advanced. But the first one I suggest you to include it.

You can insert images using the Image Manager, but they will not show on the home page.[/quote]

I'll modify the news module with this feature. I've seen that on the "products" module there is a good way to make image cropping, and resizing... I'll copy paste that and modify to make it working! Smile)


[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Awesome. Please send me a message when it is complete and I'll get it merged into master! :-)

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