Book: CodeIgniter 4 Foundations |
I'm excited to announce that my new book, CodeIgniter 4 Foundations went live last week. People have been asking me for this book for at least a year so I'm thrilled to be able to get the first of it in your hands now.
The book takes a project-based path toward learning the fundamental parts of the framework in semi-real-world projects. It starts of with several chapters covering fundamental concepts you need to understand to get the most out of the framework, including namespaces, services, and more. Then the projects start, very simple at first. As a new concept is introduced, you get an overview of the relevant stuff you need to know right then about that concept. Just enough to understand what you're doing and, more importantly, why. Each chapter builds on the knowledge you gained in the previous chapter, introducing new concepts and expanding ones already covered. By the end of the book, you'll have touched all of the most important bits you need to most day-to-day work, and know enough to be able to figure out the remainder. If you're not familiar with how LeanPub works (the site that I've published it at), here's a brief overview: As an author I can publish the book before it's finished. As a reader you're able to get content faster, and have a voice in the development of the book, as well as helping to support the book while it gets finished up. Every time a new chapter is finished, I will post an update to the book, which you'll be emailed about, making this the fastest way for you to get this content. This is the same way that I published my previous CodeIgniter book, Practical CodeIgniter 3 several years ago. Currently, all of the concept chapters, and the first 3 projects are complete. I'm in the middle of project 4 (a simple blog) right now, which is a bit of a beast, since it introduces view layouts, view cells, Entities, Fabricators for faking data, and showcases simple CRUD functions for managing your content. I just published the first bit code over at GitHub (minus the CRUD portion), and am working through the text on that chapter. There are 6 projects planned (including the blog) that remain currently, though that might get added to as questions come in. If this is something you're interested, I'd be honored if you purchased a copy. If you're not ready to do that, yet, there is a sample on the book page that includes all of the concept chapters and the first project that you can grab for free - no strings attached. And the sample code is public if you want to poke around it. Each chapter is it's own "app", so it provides an example of using multiple sites off of a single CI install. |
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