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Can you recommend any CI CMS? (Pyro, Ionize, FUEL)


[quote author="waynhall" date="1312428084"]By the way, I just went to mashable and it took about 10 seconds to load a blog post. That is the number one thing wrong with WordPress.[/quote]

You expect to be taken seriously with a remark like that? You're going to blame Wordpress and not all of the crap on that site?


[quote author="waynhall" date="1312428457"]Touche. But WordPress certainly doesn't help speed things along.[/quote]


You're right... Wordpress is so damn slow!!!!!! Argh!! /sarcasm Smile


[quote author="waynhall" date="1312429579"]I will continue to contend that it is slow, both in initial development time, maintanence development time, and live runtime, if you compare to the possibility of a leaner version built and optimized with a framework like CodeIgniter.[/quote]

What large-scale projects have you built that allow you to reasonably make those statements? And what CMS are you comparing WP against? A hypothetical CMS?


[quote author="waynhall" date="1312429948"]I can't imagine using WordPress or Drupal on a large project. I'd probably kill myself.[/quote]

Oh ok... so.. no experience then to actually back up those claims. Just making sure. Sucks that you want to mis-lead others into believing Wordpress (and apparently Drupal) aren't any good without actually knowing.

Certainly hope in the future you're able to open up your mind a bit & actually try things before bashing them.

May I ask if you've ever worked on any high-traffic, large-scale projects?

I'm not a complete expert and you know it, but I have a point.

[quote author="waynhall" date="1312430384"]I'm not a complete expert and you know it, but I have a point.[/quote]

Like I said, I hope your attitude changes in the future... have to keep an open mind. Calling Wordpress & Drupal crap despite the fact you've never actually used them is... bizarre.

Oh well, back to work for me. CI project :o)

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